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The next day was hectic. I had to go grocery shopping for the hotel room with Jasmine around 8 AM, the meeting with management at 10 AM, meeting 5SOS (for a 3rd time) to get to know eachother since we're going to be band mates at 12 PM and exploring with Jas from 3 PM to whatever time we get back. So far we went grocery shopping, and I had my meeting with management. The amount of papers and contracts I had to sign was crazy, also I had to talk to them about my sexuality which was really awkward. Apparently, and I quote, I "can't bring my sexuality upon any of the other members." Whatever that means, but it makes me angry. I know that for a fact. But since this is a big thing for me, I kept my mouth shut and agreed.

I am in the cab now, heading to the hotel 5SOS, or the other 3/4 of 5SOS are staying. It's going to be really difficult to get used to saying that. The radio was playing quietly but I heard Stockholm Syndrome by One Direction come on and started bobbing my head to the music, singing along quietly. "Who's this man that's holding your hand and talking about your eyes..?" The cab pulled up to a fancy hotel and I felt like ripping my eyes out, I could never afford a hotel room at this place. I payed the driver $20 for taking me and hopped out.

Knock. Knock. Knock. I heard footsteps come around to the door as the security guard stood there with a hard look on his face. I felt awkward just standing there but finally Ashton opened the door, his hair an absolute mess and smiled, showing his dimples. "Michaelll!" He called out. I blushed a little bit because I mean, he's in my favourite band, I'm in my favourite band. "Hi Ashton." I said smiling back as he welcomed me into there large sized hotel room. I didn't even look around and followed him to the parlour area of the hotel. Here goes nothing, right?

Short chapter sorry

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