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Today is the day Jasmine and I start making our video for the contest. It's not that hard, we have to make a video of us doing random things to promote 5SOS, whoever has the best video gets to meet 5SOS in their town when they come. We figured that with the fair in town, what better way to promote them. I stuffed the things we needed in my Jansport backpack and skipped up the stairs to the kitchen and squealed, manly of course.
"Jazzy let's gooo!!!" I called out to her room, I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around. "What are you talking about? I've been waiting for you for half an hour!" she rolled her eyes, flipping her blue hair and grabbed the bag out of my hand, before handing me the car keys. I pouted and complained about not wanting to drive until eventually she stomped on my foot and told me to drive. I winced and held my foot in my hand, hopping around before rolling my eyes, wow there is a lot of eye rolling in this house, and getting in the drivers seat. We drove to the fair blasting 5SOS' song Never Be and she pulled out her camera. "So Michael, tell me, where are we heading?" I smiled at the camera before looking back at the road and saying excitedly, "to go promote 5SOS!"

When we got to the fair we saw that it was packed and I physically cringed, "Jasmine I don't like people." She nodded sympathetically, "I know sweetie." I groaned as we bought our tickets for the rides. We stalked over to the ferris wheel and she decided that I was to go up there because I was the better of the two. Okay she didn't actuall say that but I blanked out so. I sighed before grabbing the backpack and looked at her, "as soon as I'm half way up, start video taping. This is going to be so good!" Jasmine grabbed her camera and draped it around her neck, hanging it from its strings and blew me a kiss. "Rock out with your socks out!" She giggled. I got in line and went over what was about to happen in my head at least 50 times before I actually got on the ride. Let me tell you, I hate ferris wheels with a burning passion, but I'm doing this for the future of Malum (the ship name I made for me and Calum, don't you like it?) When I reached the halfway point on the ride I was facing the whole fair it seemed, so that's when I did it.

I took out the banner Jas and I worked really hard on and unrolled it, taping it to the ferris wheel cart. The sign said
"5 Seconds Of Summer!
Buy their new album now!"
with a picture of them on it. I took out my blow horn and pressed play on my phone so their song She Looks So Perfect blared out over the fair. I got a lot of stares before the ride started moving and I took the banner down and put everything away in the backpack. When I got off the ride a few girls were freaking out to me about how they love 5SOS and its great that they have guy fans, before they could say anymore I ran off to Jasmine and she had a huge grin on her face. "THAT WAS PERFECT!" she yelled excitedly before pulling me into a hug, which is really awkward because of how short she is. "Step 2 of getting Malum and Jamesmine together?" I questioned her, smirking. Her smile showed it all and she told me I could record while she did it.

She gave me her camera and grabbed like 20 flyers from my backpack running off, with me following behind her. While I was video taping she stopped random people in their tracks by giving them flyers or asking if they were Ashton Irwin, I laughed so hard at all of it. Not to mention the times she would tape flyers to the back of random people's shirts.

Eventually we got hungry and bought a few burgers and fries to eat. Once we finished eating she pulled out her camera and said,  "interview time." I nodded and she asked me random, embarrassing questions. "You aren't putting that in the video right?" Jasmine shook her head and said "let's sing 5sos lyrics to random people as they walk by, and record it." I laughed hysterically before going along with it. At the end of the day we made enemies with two 7 year old twin girls, a sumo wrestler look alike, and got hit with a broom by an old lady that ran the burger shop. It was sooo worth it.

By the time we got home it was 7:32 PM and surprisingly I was tired. I told Jas I was going to sleep and she said okay and that she would edit the video and upload it to the website to submit. I quickly went on my phone to tweet before going to sleep.

@calumftme: goodnight @Calum5SOS can't wait to meet you one day <3

Then I nodded off into a dream filled sleep.

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