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We were in the middle of performing 18 for our first show of the tour. I was sweating and trying to keep up with the other guys considering they had a lot more experience than me. I went to swap sides of the stage with Calum, since that's what we planned to do, but something went wrong. And by wrong, I mean terribly wrong. My foot slipped as I was passing the brunette, and I bumped into him and fell down onto the stage. It was extremely embarrassing, mostly because the other guys stopped playing their instruments and singing to see if i was okay. I quickly stood up and dusted my black skinny jeans off before saying into my mic "heh, I slipped." The whole arena got silent and I felt my eyes brim with tears so I tried blinking them away. I didn't want the whole show to stop and ruin it for everyone. I quickly started playing my guitar from the part we left off and everyone screamed, and I felt like they were screaming for me. In just a few seconds we started up again and continued on for the rest of the concert, but let me tell you it was difficult. As soon as it ended, I walked to the bathroom instead of the dressing room and stared in the mirror at myself, not knowing how I felt.

Soon enough I felt an arm around me and a sigh. "You did good Mikey." I shook my head and shrugged his arm off of my shoulder. "I messed up Cal, I messed up bad." I slowly turned to look at him but quickly turned my head to the side when I realized there were tears rolling down my cheeks. He reached up and turned my head to look at him, and I saw his pout. At that moment my heart swelled just looking at him. How does he manage to look this good? God, I'm so whipped. I heard his whisper,

"Why are you crying? I'm so proud of you Michael." I furrowed my eyebrows, confused as to why he was proud of me for messing up. I guess he saw that and shook his head, letting go of my face. "Instead of backing off and leaving, you got up and started again. Don't you see how amazing you are Michael?" I truly didn't know if he was talking about what I did or me in general. I quickly shook the thought off, knowing it's probably just because of what I did.

"You really think so?"

I never thought Calum would be like this, I always thought I'd never have a chance. But when he brought his hand up to caress my cheek and muttered a 'god you're so blind Mikey' before kissing me, all of those thoughts vanished. It wasn't just a peck either. The kiss was rough, yet soft, and filled with emotion that I couldn't uncover. But right after the long lasting kiss, Calum pulled back wide eyed and stuttered "I...I'm so sorry Mikey." And ran out. I cried that night, and it wasn't just a few meaningless tears.

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