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Alexa grabbed my phone out of my hands as soon as it vibrated and saw the dm Calum sent me. I guess she connected the dots and awed really loudly. She looked at me weirdly before saying, "why are you not flipping out?" I shrugged my shoulders. "He's just a normal guy, plus it's not like I love him, it's more like a fan love." That's when Ozden glared at me and flicked my forehead. Jasmine scoffed and shoved my phone in my face, "SOMETHING IS BREWING!" she said in my ear as loud as she could. I groaned and snatched my phone from her, putting it in my pocket.

"Can we get back to watching Teen Wolf please?" Jasmine shook her head and went to grab my phone, but since it was in my front pocket slowly retreated her hand. Ha, it was too close to my penis. "Oh for freak sakes!" Alexa groaned and shoved her hand in my pocket, grabbing my phone and tossing it to Jasmine. That's when Ozden tackled me off the couch and on the floor, can I just say she is very strong for a girl? I really need to work out or something. I couldn't get her off of me and I saw Jasmine and Alexa with smirks on their faces, typing away on my phone. I looked at Ozden and slowly leaned my face towards her, so close to kissing her and she jumped up calling "ewww! " AHA! I jumped up and went to get my phone from Jasmine but she gave it to Alexa and when I finally got my phone back I quickly went to Twitter. When I checked my dms I saw nothing, everything was deleted. I groaned and literally face palmed. I looked at Alexa and Ozden, "are you two sleeping over? It's kind of late." Ozden shrugged, nodding her head.

We spent another hour stuffing random food down our throats and dancing along to any music that came on the music channel. If I'm being honest, tonight was the second best night of my life, the night of the concert being first of course. I made great new friends, but it's kind of sad I have no guy friends. I got a few emails from the 5SOS newsletter but figured I'd read them tomorrow, right now was like family time, except with my best friends. Jasmine yawned and grabbed a blanket off the couch, but then an idea popped into all our our minds.

And that's how we ended up in the living room at 3 AM in a giant pillow and blanket fort, gossiping about bands until we fell asleep. Except for those few times Jasmine's mom came in to tell us to shut up.

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