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I pulled my sweatshirt over my head, "Do I have to go?" Alexa nodded. K then. We were heading to the library because Alexa and Ozden were still 16 and had to do some dumb school project. We were letting Ozden drive for a reason that I do not know and Alexa told us to be scared because she sucked at driving. When we were in the car though, she seemed like a really calm and good driver. Pulling up to the library was like middle school all over again and I felt a sickness in my stomach. We went onto the second floor of the library so they could find research books and use the computers. I walked around a bit, not finding anything interesting before sitting down at the computers. They were public and had no restrictions. TWITTER TIME. We were sitting in a row so it was Jasmine, me, Ozden, and Alexa.

I logged into my Twitter and did random things, not really caring.

@calumftme: public libraries scare me

@calumftme: yes I am on the computer at the library on Twitter, shoot me.

@calumftme: I want to do something dramatic.

@madrasashton: @calumftme proclaim your love for Calum Hood with singing.


@calumftme: @madrasashton that's so like 2 months ago so um

I eventually logged off of Twitter and just sat there staring into the distance. I'm waiting for my life to be even more exciting. Ozden leaned over to me and whispered a question about the ear and how soundwaves worked. I quickly stood up and shouted, "NO I WILL NOT TAKE MY PANTS OFF IN THIS PUBLIC FACILITY!" I saw her face grow bright red as a bunch of people in the library turned to look at us. When they went back to what they were doing she shot me daggers, "You'll pay for that Clifford." I smirked and high-fived Jas. Ahhh this is what being successful in embarrassing your best friend feels like. I signed into my email on the computer and looked through a bunch of the emails that I couldn't care less about. But something caught my eye, and my heart pounded in my chest, head, and fingers as I read the whole thing. This could be perfect...

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