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It is currently 11:59 AM and I am flipping the flip out. If I could just have a slice of pizza and read some fanfiction I would be fine. My outfit for the concert was perfect. I had ripped black skinny jeans, a 5SOS t-shirt I ordered off of Etsy and purple converse which matched the shirt. But nope, my only good pair of jeans had to go missing and honestly I was on the verge of tears. We had to leave at 12:30 if we wanted to get there and not be crowded the whole time, and I haven't even finished dying my hair. I dyed it red and now I need to wash the dye out and blow dry it. Today is obviously not my day, which is HORRIBLE. I searched my room one last time before going back into the bathroom, pantless, and washing the dye out. As I plugged the blowdryer in, Jas walked by and threw my pants at me. Are you serious? I tried tugging them on while I blow dryed my hair but that didn't really work. After making sure everything was ready and we had our tickets and passes Jasmine decided she would drive. I quickly dmed my mutual all of my excitement.


@calumftme: I'm so AKFKRIAHFJDAJ on my way to the arena.

@madrasashton: I'm cry, send me pics of Ash pls

@calumftme: how could I forget? Bye now tty when I'm not having chest pains.


@calumftme: We're almost at the arena... this calls for a Selfieee!  @jaslovesjames *file attached*

@calumftme: I have like two friends don't judge me.

@calumftme: I s2g if anyone but Calum Hood looks at me I will cut a bitch.

*new notifications*

@Ashton5SOS: @calumftme note taken.

@Calum5SOS: feisty, I like it.

Wait as I cry in the parking lot of an arena, 3 hours away from meeting 5 Seconds Of Summer. We got out and just decided to walk around the outside of the arena a bit before getting in line for the backstage meet and greet. It was totally cool too, there was like 5 of us that were going to meet them and I felt extra special. They brought us inside around 4:45 and told us to wait and if I'm being honest, I wish we had a longer time to wait. The anxiety in me was going overboard so I decided to take out my phone to read fanfiction as I waited. I peeked over to see what Jas was doing and turns out, she had the same idea as me.

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