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I drifted in and out of sleep about 4 times, I just couldn't sleep. The tears wore me out but I couldn't. Calum came back into my room holding a cup of tea and holding it out to me. I sat up and groaned, "I don't want tea." He rolled his eyes and handed me the cup, "you need it to sleep. So drink up." After taking a few sips I yawned and put the cup down. "I'm tired Cal." He nodded and hopped onto the bed, climbing under the covers. He held his arms out and I crawled into them, leaning my head on his chest. He ran his hand through my hair and he whispered soothing things to me as I nodded off. I don't know exactly what we are, but I honestly want something, anything with him. I want his love.

His arms holding me tight to his body, breath skimming the top of my head, heartbeat a perfect rhythm, and legs intertwined with mine, all cuddled under a blanket. I felt content, happy for once, like he was the only thing in this world that could save me from all this pain. He knows only parts of my past, but maybe if I opened up to him, we could become something more. Right now we were just a caterpillar, slowly going into a cocoon that way one day, we could be a beautiful butterfly. Or at least that's what I hope for. I don't want to say this is love, far too strong to be a like or a crush, but just not enough. Of course I love him, with all of my heart. But I'm not in love with him. I feel like that time will come soon though.

My sleep lasted about 3 hours, it now being 2 P.M. I didn't know what to do considering Luke and Ashton were still out doing who knows what. I moved a bit and noticed there were no arms around me and no slight movement from breathing beneath me. This made me frown and look around my room. Just as I looked at the door Calum walked in.
"Oh you're up! I was about to wake you, figured we should go do something with the rest of the day. Get ready, there's some pizza in the kitchen so you can eat." I nodded and stood up from my bed, stretching. Knowing Calum, the rest of this day will be interesting. I grabbed some random clothes and threw them on before tweeting.

@Michael5SOS: going out with the doof @Calum5SOS someone teach him that 3 slices of pizza isn't enough for me!

*New notification*

@Calum5SOS: @Michael5SOS I have a lot of crap on you, don't try me Michael.

@Michael5SOS: @Calum5SOS OH yeah like what?! I have ur nudes.

@Calum5SOS: @Michael5SOS EVERYONE DOES. and I have ur fan acc.


@Calum5SOS: everyone go follow Michael's fan acc it's @calumftme


@Michael5SOS: @Calum5SOS re follow me I accidentally blocked you on purpose

@Calum5SOS: @Michael5SOS I heard he follows through indirects bitch

@Michael5SOS: explain why Cal and I are tweeting each other when in the same room

@yoabbaabba: @michael5sos because you suck

@Michael5SOS: @abbaabbalol and you swallow hahahhahahahahahahahha

To: Mikey Wifey
From: Cal Pal

I love you lol

To: Cal Pal
From: Mikey Wifey

Say it to my face.

"I love you" I heard Calum say and I turned and smiled at him.
"I love YouTube."

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