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9 days later-----

1 day. One day, that's all I have to wait to meet my husbands. I can already feel the tears rolling down my face. It will be the best thing to ever happen to me. When I say one day, I mean exactly 24 hours. It is 5:30 PM on August 7th, and Jas and I are supposed to meet them at 5:30 PM tomorrow! In honor of the big event me and Jasmine decided to have a dance party to their unreleased songs. Half way through the dance party my phone made a beep and I clicked on the notification, seeing it was a dm from my mutual.

@madrasashton: michael? You are a fricking guy?! I thought all my dms about periods meant something to you.

I showed Jasmine and started laughing.

@calumftme: oh oops, hi Jo! Glad you found out my name... sorry I should've told you I don't bleed

@madrasashton: *sigh* you upset me in ways I can't explain. Its ok I still love you <33

@calumftme: ilyt but um loser <||3

@madrasashton: if you meet Ash and don't tell him about me I'll cry.

@calumftme: can't promise, I'll be too busy snogging cal

@madrasashton: get that image out of my head pls ew

@calumftme: we're no longer friends

I walked into the kitchen, not even telling Jasmine I was leaving and opened the fridge looking for something to eat. I saw a bag of tomatoes and cringed, picking them up and throwing them away, I made a gagging noise. I quickly grabbed the jar of sliced pickles and shut the refrigerator. I set the jar on the counter and opened it, picking out a pickle with my fingers. As I set it in my mouth I felt a hand on my back making me jump and choke on the pickle slice. I turned around and hit Jasmine on the arm. Her laughing was hysterical and I glared at her. Grabbing a pickle from the jar I threw it and it hit her straight in the face.

Let's just say, I had to wash my hair at least 3 times to get the smell of pickles and eggs out of it. I decided to finish the chapter of my fanfiction and upload it. Once that was done I checked Twitter for the 27194737358th time tonight. Okay maybe I'm being a little over dramatic.  I just want to update to my millions of fans about all the exciting things in my life, right? Ha ha Michael you are so gosh darn funny, why don't you run your own comedy show? I don't know Michael, that's a good question. Maybe it is because I'm waiting for Calum to sweep me off my feet and tell me I'm an amazing guitar player.
Sigh, the fantasies I have.

@calumftme: 11 hours until I meet my babies, I'm physically screaming.

@jaslovesjames: @calumftme no you're not, I can't hear you.

@calumftme: dumb bitch

@jaslovesjames: @calumftme why you no @ me bruh?

@calumftme: @Calum5SOS I bet you're thrilled to meet your future husband (AKA ME) tomorrow

*new notifications*

@Calum5SOS: can't wait to meet some of you tomorrow! Lots of love x

@Ashton5SOS: oh he fancies you alright.

@Luke5SOS: @Ashton5SOS I thought you were Australian

@James5SOS: it's okay guys. I know it'll be hard, trust me it is. I love you all so much xx

@Calum5SOS: @James5SOS love you bro.

This is it. I'm writing a trilogy about me and Calum's love. Obviously he is indirecting me, Ashton too. But then again this is probably all a coincidence. How does he see my tweets? He doesn't even follow me.

And that's when I saw it.

Calum Hood followed you.

The sobs I had at that very moment were most likely heard in China. And no, I did not tweet about it, just like I didn't do with Ashton. I'm playing it cool that way in case one day they look at my account they don't think I'm a weirdo. I want them to think of me as kind of genuine. Then you should delete about 90% of your tweets. My conscience told me. I threw on my Calum Hood sweatshirt and jumped into bed, hoping tomorrow would come quicker.

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