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The next morning I had to go in to see management again. I wasn't that worried because the other guys were there too. We had to talk about me moving and quitting my job and tour, it was quite stressful. We all agreed that it would be easier for me to move to the Sydney, Australia area with them. I was scared what would happen, I'm an Australian but when I was 2 my parents moved us to New York so I don't have my accent, well strong at least.

The only problem with me moving to Australia, is my friends are in New York. Although Jasmine lives with her parents, I want her to come with me to Australia. I mean sure, I have the 3 guys as friends. But Jasmine's always been my friend, plus Alexa and Ozden are in New York. The whole idea gives me a bunch of anxiety. My chest starts hurting and all of a sudden I'm crying... I tried avoiding it and wiped the tears away. You're strong Michael, it'll all turn out okay. I told myself. We talked about posting a video of us performing or performing on national TV to get people to like me. Apparently, just looking at pictures of me and that keek, got people to like me a lot, but not enough. I exchanged numbers with the most important people in my management and bid farewell.

When I got back to Jasmine's, I broke the news to her that I had to move to Australia. I was going to be moving into an apartment complex that the other guys live in. They spend most of their time at their families' houses when they're home but I guess they just got the apartments to be alone. She didn't take the news very well and stomped into her bedroom. After knocking on her bedroom door and whining her name for a while, she finally opened the door and pulled me into a hug. "I'm not mad at you Mikey, just... sad?" I nodded and sighed "I wish you'd come with me." Jas shook her head and pulled back, putting her long faded blue hair in a ponytail. "You know I can't." I sighed, "I know. "

"Do you want to do something that'll make us both really happy right now?" I grew a smile on my face, "what would that be?"

She said I needed to make my Twitter account official... and that made my smile fall. "Why can't I just keep it the same?"

"Because you are in 5SOS, YOU CAN'T HAVE A FAN ACCOUNT FOR YOUR OWN BAND!" I let out a whimper, no I am not a baby, my fan account is my only pride and joy though. "Can't I just, make another account?"

Jasmine and I argued over making the account for a bit and finally, I clicked on Twitter and pressed the "manage accounts" button. After making my Twitter account and making sure I was logged into both of my accounts, I followed the guys, and all of One Direction, and tweeted.

@Michael5SOS: I've never worked a personal before.... hello

@Michael5SOS: My band mates don't follow me back doNT BE MEAN

@Michael5SOS: sorry inner fanboy showing

@Michael5SOS: I mean pshh I'm not a fan boy

Then I texted them in a group chat.

To: calpal, lucifer, and ashtern

From: mikeroweave
GUYS follow me on twittah @Michael5SOS

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