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The concert was half way through and the guys were pointing out funny signs in the crowd. The big screen showed one girl's sign that made everyone laugh. It said "I delivered 427 pizzas to be here, and half of them were to the same guy." If I'm being honest, that sign represents my life. When the big screen showed the face of the girl, my eyes widened. Her sign was most likely talking about me. That was my pizza girl, named Ally? No that's not it... um Your Mom. That's her. Calum laughed into his microphone, "That guy must be a real charmer." The girl on the screen had tears streaming down her face, and she quickly grabbed onto the blonde girl next to her's arm. I felt bile rise in my throat, realizing Calum had called me a charmer. Sarcastically, yes. Not knowing it was me, yes. But still.

The rest of the concert was amazing. I never experienced something that great before in my lifetime. By the time we had to leave, Jasmine and I were a sobbing mess. We waited until the traffic stopped before heading home. The pictures I took at the concert turned out really good, and I set the picture I took of me kissing Calum as my lock screen. To say I had the best night ever, would be an understatement. Watching them on stage was beautiful, I just wish I got to see them perform before James had to leave. I laid myself down on the hardwood floor of the living room and let a tear fall from my eyes.

" Jasmine, that's probably the first and last time I will ever see Calum again."

"Michael, I didn't even get to see James."

I sat up, "Sorry I'm insensitive to the situation."

I pulled myself off of the floor and grabbed a glass of chocolate milk, walking down to my bedroom. "It's a chocolate milk party." I sang to myself quietly before taking a sip. I sat down on my bed and put my cup on the bedside table. I opened my Twitter app and scrolled aimlessly through the news feed. I rolled my eyes and posted a few pictures from the concert. I am honestly in a bad mood right now.

@calumftme: @madrasashton *file attached* you're welcome

@calumftme: I'm depressed I need a calum hood to cuddle me.

@calumftme: I miss the concert and it was like 30 minutes ago.

@calumftme: I feel like getting hit in the face with a shovel

@calumftme: @Calum5SOS love me

*new dms*

@Calum5SOS: just imagine me cuddling you.

@Calum5SOS: I already do

@calumftme: don't lead me on... I'm just a dumb gay guy with no chance

And that's the last I heard from Calum for a while.

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