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I'm fine. I'm fine. You are fine Michael. You are fine Michael. Stop that! Stop that! It won't stop, I haven't gotten any sleep for the past seven nights... I think things, and they come back to me in someone else's voice. It's driving me insane. Ever since what happened between Calum and I, I haven't had my thoughts stop running through my head. The tour is going good, I guess you could say? The fans are really warming up to me, and I love interacting with them. We have tonight off and I'm so glad, I need sleep. I probably won't get any considering my head is equivalent to a mental person's but I could try. I haven't tried to talk to Calum and vice versa, and people are starting to pick up on this. I'm scared, I have no idea what he even thinks about me at this point. I want to just stick it out and ask him what's up that way we can go back to normal but I also want to quit the band, change my name and move to Asia. With both of those as an option, I chose to just stay in the hotel room I share with Calum. Not like I've been doing anything else with this time.

 I put in my headphones and lay there with Blink-182 on and contemplated my life. It's the same old same old. Before thinking anything else I stood up and went to the bathroom, locking the door. I quickly got undressed and stood in just my blue plaid boxers. Staring at myself in the mirror, I sighed and grabbed my phone setting it on the counter. It started ringing and I heard voices in my head, telling me to dispose of it. I checked the caller ID and saw Calum's name shine against the screen. I rolled my eyes and answered the phone, "Yes?"
"Where are you?"
"Why does it matter?" I heard the door to the tour bus door open, and then Calum's voice on the line, "Are you in the room? It's important." I sighed and shook my head, not answering him. I opened the cabinet and saw three bottles of different types of pills. I looked to the small bath tub and started running the water to the full capacity.
"Michael? We're heading to the bus, the guys didn't want to bother you." I heard him say, opening the bottles in a process. I quickly downed 7 of each pill and sighed satisfactorily.
"Calum, can I tell you something?" I dipped my foot into the freezing cold water and slowly put the rest of my body in, the phone pressed to my ear.
"Yes, of course. But uh I'm at the room. I'll help with your bags." I heard the jiggle of the door handle and smiled.
"I hear voices, and they all say that I love you. Now I don't know if I'm insane or not, but that won't matter soon."
"Michael? What are you talking about? Why are your bags not packed? Why is the bathroom door locked?" This time I didn't hear it come from the phone, but outside the door.
"I love you." I mumbled, drousiness slipping from my mouth as I surpressed my body fully underwater, and dropped the phone in after me, an electric shock spreading throughout me. My smile never left my face even when I heard a sob coming from Calum's plump lips and the blackness splotting my vision.

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