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It's around 1:30 PM and the guys and I are having a conversation on whether tadpoles are baby turtles or not. Wow I referred to them as the guys. Apparently Calum and I are the smart ones of the band. I have to leave around 3 but I kind of don't want to, I fit in great with them and we decided to make a Keek talking about how I was the new member. I'm scared to see what everyone thinks because I'm very sensitive and don't take criticism really well. Although I hide it with my sass, that's the reason I barely lived through high school.

"Guys we have biiiiiiig news!!!" Ashton said. Luke jumped in, "We have a brand new member, I know we all miss James but he's just as great!" Then Calum popped out, "his name is Michael and he's a pretty cool guy!" Then they showed me and I waved at the camera, "I'm Michael and I want another slice of pizza." I said before grabbing a slice and eating it. The others laughed and ended the keek.

When it was time for me to leave they started whining. Eventually Ashton talked me into taking a group selfie before leaving. They asked me for my instagram and I told them I didn't have one. It wasn't a total lie, I don't have a personal one. I just don't want them to see all my posts about how sexy they are, and how Luke is a dumbass but still. Instead of going out and exploring with Jasmine when I got back to the hotel, I just sat on the couch while she fussed over clothes. I decided to make an instagram for myself but I didn't know how to portray myself on the page. In the end I just put a selfie of me and Jasmine as the picture and made my name @michaelgclifford . I followed the other guys and posted the group picture with the caption "first day in the band, ew" and tagged them in it. I got a bunch of people following me and flipping out, but also people commenting and saying I was a fake. It didn't bother me much because I was the same way like three days ago.

I fixed my hair a bit and threw on a snapback, Jasmine and I were going to do random stuff while in LA. She wanted to get a tattoo but I had no idea what she wanted and apparently, she didn't either. I chewed on my nails looking around the tattoo shop, "yeahh maybe next time." I said and tried to pull Jas out of the tattoo shop. After that we had decided to go and roam the streets, nothing really on our minds. All of a sudden some girl stopped me in the streets, she looked familiar somehow. "Michael?! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU WERE IN CALI?!" Oh my God. "Jo? Hey! Sorry i've been a bit busy, have you heard the news?"

"No, news? What news?"

"Are you telling me you haven't been on twitter?"

"Yes that's what I'm telling you."

"How have your followers held up without your sarcastic tweets on madrasashton?"

"That's what I'm saying! Hey let's get a picture so we can remember our first time meeting!" We took a few quick pictures and then she asked me again about the news.

"Um I kind of have to get running, but when you have the chance search up Michael Clifford okay?"

"Oh please don't tell me you murdered someone And you're on the run!'

"Not yet, no." I winked and told her bye and kept walking with Jasmine. At the end of the night my feet were killing me and I just needed a long nap, and maybe, just possibly, my dreams were filled with Calum.

Hey there ! I decided to update because it's my birthday and y'all deserve a gift as well. Please leave comments throughout the chapters of your opinions and all. Thank you!

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