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Knowing that today my life could change forever drove my mind crazy. Remember that time I said something about Calum and my guitar skills? Well this definitely has to do with guitars. I got a new electric guitar for my birthday last year and its honestly the best guitar ever. Its black and has a couple of stickers on it. I knew it would come in handy one day.

I'm assuming you would like to know what today is?
Too bad I'm not telling you. You'll find out later. I'm really nervous now though. The plane ride was a couple hours long and I sort of kind of borrowed some money from my parents considering my job didn't pay much and I needed to go all the way to California from New York. I was staying for two days and guess who is coming with me? Not you! No but Jasmine is coming with me because I mean- best friends. When you have social anxiety and don't know how to speak to people that aren't fangirls, it's probably not good for you to be in an airport. When I got off the plane and tried finding my suitcase, I started panicking and thought it was lost but I got it. Walking out of the airport was the worst part most likely, trying to find a cab to take us to a hotel near the place we were going to.

After we got into our hotel room I was jumping off the walls and it probably wasn't healthy for me to be so energetic all of a sudden. I sat down on my bed and turned my head to Jasmine. "What if I suck?" I questioned and popped out my bottom lip. She rolled her eyes and told me to hurry up and get ready for day one tonight. Okay I guess it's not fair for me to not tell you what's going on. You know the newsletter emails I get for 5SOS? Well I checked them a while ago, and since James is not a part of the band anymore, they're holding auditions in Los Angeles tonight at their studio. Day two is tomorrow. There will be a lot of guys there trying out to be a band member. This has been my dream, not only to be in 5SOS, but to be a famous guitar player for a long time. If I didn't get in, that'd be fine because it's just another hottie to obsess over. But if I did, my life would change and I'd be the happiest I've ever been. The only problem is I wouldn't know how everyone would take it that I am a full fledged gay boy.

I put on black skinny jeans, a grey tee tank that had the word "BANG" on it in red letters, red and black flannel, and black and white vans. I put my eyebrow piercing in and ran my hand through my hair once. I sighed at the red hair and decided I should change it up again soon. I breathed into my hand but scrunched up my face and brushed my teeth once more. By the time I was done getting ready it was 15 minutes before we all sign in and I felt like puking.
"Jas I'm ready, let's go." It took us a few minutes to get a taxi considering we were New Yorkers, but we finally got in and headed off to the studio that after tomorrow, could possibly change my life forever.

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