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The next morning I woke up to Jasmine stomping her feet around upstairs. I groaned and threw a pillow over my head to block out the sounds but then she screamed so I slowly pulled it from my face and stood up. I slipped on some slippers and made my way up the stairs and into the living room where she stood with tears falling from her face and lying on the floor. I ran to her and hugged her to my chest and rubbed her arms frantically. "Shh. Shh. What's wrong?" She let out a whimper and handed me her phone. The YouTube app was open and I pressed play on the video.


I sat back against the couch as Jasmine continued crying and whimpering the words "why why why why why" I sighed and looked back down at the phone. That's why James hasn't been tweeting. I read over the description of the video for the 50th time. How could 5SOS be 5SOS without James? The description said "We are very sorry to announce that due to some circumstances with James' health, he will no longer be able to be a member of 5 Seconds Of Summer." I can't believe he had cancer and no one knew about it. In the video they said he had a few months to live, but they would continue touring, just with a substitute guitarist until they could find a new member.

The whole day I tried to comfort Jasmine on the couch by watching funny One Direction moment videos on YouTube to get our minds off of the 5SOS dilemma.  The doorbell rang and I told her I'd get it before heading to the door. When I opened it I frowned, "you aren't the pizza guy." He chuckled and said "nah I'm just a lame mail boy, here's your mail" And handed it to me before leaving. I laughed and went through the mail looking for any for me, which was none. I mean who would mail me? I threw the mail on the coffee table before taking my phone out, tweeting some sad tweets about James and giggling at the way the other guys were trying to lighten the mood. I looked at the time 3:47 PM. Jesus, where is our pizza?! When the doorbell rang again I jumped UP and rubbed my tummy before opening the front door. "You know the pizza should have been here 7 minutes ago, I should get it for free" I mumbled looking at the pizza girl. She laughed and nodded, "sure whatever you say big guy." And handed me the pizza. I looked at her name tag and it said Alexa boldly on it but crossed out with marker and under it it said 'your mom' I started choking on air as I laughed and she looked confused and then realized I was pointing at her name tag. " Oh that. I'm punk rock." She said before turning around to leave.

YES, free pizza!!! I grabbed it and and walked into the living room. I put it on the coffee table. "Jasmine! The pizza girl gave us our pizza for free, you should've seen her name tag!" When she didn't answer I turned to look at her and she held a piece of paper in her hand, her mouth gaping open. I leaned over and grabbed it. When I read the paper, let me tell you I screamed, and I'm not even going to pretend it was manly.

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