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"he pushed my head back slightly and attached his lips to my neck."

I stopped typing on my cheap laptop and saved it, not wanting to continue for the night. It was about 7 and I had nothing that I wanted to do. I sighed and stood up, walking over to my drawers. I grabbed some skinny jeans that had one black leg and a black and white striped leg and a 5SOS t-shirt I got from Hot Topic. I ran my hand through my green hair and brushed my teeth once more today. Shoving my wallet and phone into my pocket I decided to head off to a Starbucks or something.

"Jas I'm leaving." I called over my shoulder. She quickly yelled me to stop and I turned around, raising my eyebrows, "What?" She shook her head, "You know this is New York, it's not safe at this time at night." I laughed and said "with my luck, I'll meet a member of One Direction on the streets, not get raped." She nodded "I guess, just be careful. You know my number." I quickly turned around, the car keys in my hand and ran off to the car. It was a warm night because it was July 29th and the sun was just setting now. I put the key into the ignition and pulled the car out of its parking spot. The drive was boring except for the fact I got road rage at some guy who pulled out in front of me and called him a dumb bitch. I finally arrived at Starbucks and didn't feel like getting out of the car, but I eventually did.

Considering I'm the biggest white fanboy there is to live, I knew the Starbucks menu by heart and ordered my favorite Caramel Ribbon drink. I sat in the corner and pulled my phone out of my pocket, immediately connecting it to the free WiFi the coffee shop has. I took a picture of my coffee and tweeted, because what else would I do?

@calumftme: my favourite drink from my favourite place in my favourite season. *file attached*

*new notifications*
@Luke5SOS: trollin

@Calum5SOS: @Luke5SOS no one likeS you

@Luke5SOS: @Calum5SOS our fans do.

Laughing, I retweeted those tweets and decided to spam.

@calumftme: marry me @Calum5SOS I'm a guy btw x127

*New notifications*

@Ashton5SOS: I don't like people, but I love you guys

@Calum5SOS: I have my eyes caught on someone.

@calumftme: @Calum5SOS is it me?

@Calum5SOS: it's you

@calumftme: @Calum5SOS stop indirecting me

@Calum5SOS: don't tell me what to do.

I pulled my hand to my chest and breathed in, then out. I looked back up around Starbucks and realized I should go home. I think this is fate, either Calum was stalking me and having a secret conversation with me, or I'm being delusional. Probably the latter. I shoved my phone in my pocket before throwing the rest of my drink out and running to my car so I could get home and rant to Jasmine.


"But Jas, you don't understand. He was SOOO talking to me!" All I could hear was her chuckle and then I got up and stormed out of her room calling out some unpleasant words. When I arrived to the door that lead down to my bedroom I shouted, "OKAY BUT WHEN MALUM IS REAL AND HE ADMITS WE HAD A CONVERSATION, I'LL SIT ON YOUR FACE!" I heard her yell back "SAVE THAT FOR CALUM!" before I stumbled down the stairs and threw myself on the bed, trying to sleep. I couldn't stop tossing and turning but I fell asleep after I turned on the beautiful voice of Calum Hood.

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