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I finished a chapter of the Cake fanfic I was reading and started crying. People must've thought I was crying over the fact that we were walking into the room that 5SOS were in, but no. I'm just an emotional fanfiction reader that has no idea what will happen next until the next update. I wiped my tears away on my hands and grabbed Jasmine's arm as we walked in a line to the room. She whacked my hand away and glared, "1, your hands are wet. 2, I don't want Michael cooties." I pouted but then quickly remembered where I was and smiled brightly. 

The security guard that brought us to the room started telling us the rules and blah blah blah. All I heard was that we had 20 minutes to meet them before security brought us to our seats. His talking went by really fast and before I knew it we were in the room. Standing before me was the sexiest boys on Earth (besides One Direction of course.) There were 6 of us, and I was the only guy so I felt kind of awkward. The girls instantly started standing around them and flirting. Jasmine was trying to have a normal conversation with Luke and I awkwardly stood in the corner. Jas turned to look at me and waved me over and I shook my head with my eyes wide. She rolled her eyes and continued talking to him. I stood in the corner and felt my phone getting heavier by the second in my pocket. I eventually pulled it out and tweeted, feeling very out of place.

@calumftme: very very awkward. I should just run up to him and kiss him oops

I heard someone's phone beep and sighed putting my phone in my pocket. I saw Calum laugh and walk away from the girls, over to the food table. Jasmine coughed madly to get my attention, and then gave me "the look" to talk to him. I slowly took a step towards him, feeling panicky. He turned to me and I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. He smiled, "Hi there!" I choked out a small 'hi I'm Michael' and felt a huge smile creep onto my lips. He grabbed a bag of Lays chips and opened it, eating one after that. "I think I recognize you, nice to meet you Michael." He held his arms out for a hug and I internally screamed, hugging him tightly. When I pulled back he held out his bag of chips saying "want one?" with his mouth full. I laughed and took one from the bag, shaking my head. "Don't talk with your mouthful." I said before tossing it into my mouth and chewing. "Don't tell me what to do," he winked, and I felt my cheeks getting red. "Wait...what?" I said. He laughed,  "you were the one I had the indirect conversation with right?"
I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!!!
Calum Thomas Hood knew about me before I even knew he knew about me.

I nodded my head and turned to look at Jasmine. She gave me a thumbs-up and I turned back to Calum. "Uh, Cal, do you think I could get a picture?"
"Well I don't know, let me think about it." He stood there with his hand on his chin for a few seconds before shrugging. "Sure why not." And had his damn little puppy smirk on his damn cute face. Damn him.
I grabbed my phone out of my pocket, accidentally dropping it onto the floor. "God dammit!" I shouted, making everyone else in the room look at me. I glared, "don't look at me." Ashton stifled a laugh, "Oh darn I forgot about that!" And turned away. Luke hit his arm and I blushed madly. I grabbed my phone and brought it to the camera app. I snapped a few photos with Calum, a smile, a funny face, and possibly me kissing his cheek but I mean. I don't kiss and tell.

@calumftme: wow guys met my boyfriend like 5 minutes ago. *file attached*
//the picture is of them smiling js//

*new notification*

@Calum5SOS: I think my whole future is in the crowd tonight.

@calumftme: @Calum5SOS ilyt

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