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It was two weeks after the concert and I haven't done anything. I stayed at home playing Fifa and Call of Duty everyday while Jasmine went to her job at the local zoo cleaning monkey crap. To say I missed fanboying 24/7 was an understatement but after I messaged Calum that and he didn't answer, I realized how true it was and that I needed a life. Not saying that playing video games all the time was a life but hey, I went out and applied for jobs. I start my job at Starbucks tomorrow and I'm very close to just quitting before I actually start. If I work at Starbucks that means I have to put up with people's shit everyday and honestly, I don't have the energy for that. Jasmine just got home from work and finished her shower so now we were sitting on the couch looking for something to watch. The doorbell rang and I stood up to go get it with a slight groan. When I opened it I saw the pizza girl, Alexa, and some blonde chick behind her. She handed me the pizza and I opened my mouth, "For free," she said "you buying so many pizzas got me tickets for my best friend, Ozden, and I to see 5SOS. So it's kind of a thank you gift." I smiled at her before asking if they wanted to come in and hang with us. Alexa shrugged, "I'm gonna quit anyway so sure." Both of the girls walked in and I brought them to the living room, introducing everyone. I went into the kitchen and grabbed four juice pouches before jumping into the living room and sitting on the couch. "So what are we watching?" I saw Jasmine smirk, "Teen Wolf Season 3 marathon." We all cheered and put it on. But before we did anything else we exchanged Twitter names. Let the games begin, and shoved our faces with pizza.

By the time the season was almost over it was 1 AM and Ozden was on the floor sobbing. "Stiles! No! The jeep, car, thing, smash, blood, STILES!" she was yelling. Alexa didn't even try to help her up, instead she leaned over and said, "if you think this is funny you should see her watching and or reading The Outsiders." I chuckled and felt my phone vibrate. I pulled it out to see a Twitter notification from Jasmine.

@jaslovesjames: new friends = new fun. Lmao loser get off the floor. *file attached*
You and two others are tagged.

I retweeted it and decided to selfie, or should I say ussie. "Gather 'round children." I said in a fake posh accent. We took a bunch of dumb pictures and my favorite was probably the one where Ozden was pretending to pick Alexa's nose and Jasmine was biting my shoulder, while I sat there with a 'can u not' expression. I took that picture and put a pretty pink border around it. Lol jk I'm not that gay. I took a black border that had white +'s on it and quickly tweeted, wanting to get back to Teen Wolf.

@calumftme: I literally hate you all smh. *file attached*

//Alexa//@lukes_cheese: @calumftme I thought you loved me, I gave you free pizza, TWICE.

//Ozden//@suckmyniall: @calumftme I bet I'm the best blonde you've ever met.

@calumftme: @suckmyniall actually I've met Luke so ur wrong

@lukes_cheese: @suckmyniall your hair won't even be blonde by the end of this week

@jaslovesjames: @lukes_cheese @suckmyniall are you dying it poopy brown?

@calumftme: @jaslovesjames @lukes_cheese @suckmyniall just like that stuff you shovel for a living right?

@jaslovesjames: Michael is a dick

@calumftme: @jaslovesjames you are what you eat.

@jaslovesjames: @calumftme @Calum5SOS DO YOU SEE HIS DIRTY TALK?! SMHH

@suckmyniall: @jaslovesjames it's ok we all know that Michael sucks ass anyway.

@lukes_cheese: @suckmyniall @jaslovesjames ya Calum's hA

@jaslovesjames: @calumftme our new friends like me better

@calumftme: @jaslovesjames it's ok calum likes me better

*New notifications*

Calum Hood favorited your tweet.

Ozden and Alexa retweeted 3 of your tweets.

*New dm*

@Calum5SOS: damn right I do

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