twenty three (SOHEE)

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When Yunho drove away and his car slowly disappeared from my sight, I still stood where he dropped me out. Eyes pleading as if he would turn around and take me away from this pit of hell. Yet, I can't, mother was nothing but a good person to me, like my own mother.

"Sohee!" I turned around to see the familiar voice. Mother approached me and gave a tight hug which I returned back with a little pats on her back. She removed herself from me and a beautiful smile etched on her mouth and it reminds me of him. He got those smiles from his mother.

"Do you like it?" she asked and motioned her hand to the luxurious hotel. I nodded, "who's coming though?" I asked. She looped her arm around mine and we stride to the entrance, "Just my friends, my high school friends. Not all of them though, i'm not quite the socialize type before," i smiled at her reply as the bellboy bows when we enter.

"Oh and!," she exclaimed, halting our steps exactly after we entered the hotel, she continued, "Since, there would be friends of mine and you don't know even one of them, just stay close to me. Plus, you are the main star tonight and tomorrow!" she giggled and held my arm tighter.

My heart softens at her excitement. I mentally sighed, right- i'm getting married tomorrow.

Mother brought us to the highest floor, the door opened only to reveal a hall with tons of decorations hanging on every corner. My expression shows confusion but mother smiled while showing me the place.

Just then, a few people came out and shouted "Surprise!" with some of them holding a cake and some with a few flag horns. Flustered, I feel like this is more to a birthday party instead but I do enjoy seeing new faces.

To my surprise, I saw Yeeun's face among them, hiding like a needle in a haystack. Our eyes met but I avoided them so fast and moved closer to mom. All of us then went to the dining room and got seated. Feeling so awkward and my introverted self is shaking, I tried to talk to them, mom even introduced me to all of them one by one.

A hand suddenly tapped my shoulder, I visibly flinched and turned around to meet Yeeun. She had this smirk on her face before smiling so wide, "We met again! It's so nice to meet you, well, properly this time!" she chuckled, she even emphasized the last sentence. Mom looked at me worriedly but I smiled half-heartedly at her and nodded.

"Let's have a talk somewhere hm?" I said, giving the same tone as hers while eyeing her. She raised her eyebrows before nodding, we walked away and stood next to the elevator.

After ensuring no one is watching, the fake smile on hers dropped while crossing her arms.

"You sure do glow for someone who is going to get married with someone's man" she said proudly.

I scoffed, "You sure do have the audacity to be here knowing the man you mentioned is in love with me" Listening to my statement, she gasped with her eyes widened. Patting her shoulder and 'nicely' throwing away the dust on her shoulder.

"Well, thank you for coming to my bachelorette party and since I'm not in the mood to be shitting on you..." I leaned next to her ear, "and i have a BIG wedding going on tomorrow, so, Don't ruin the fun and enjoy the night."

I stride my way back to the party feeling proud and powerful. I must tell Yunho about this. Ignoring the said girl, I enjoyed my last night being single.

The night went by so fast and now both of us were waving to the last guests goodbye in the lobby. Mom huffed out a tired sigh, "wow what a long night of talking. Honestly, that was the most talkative of myself this year. I'm not doing this anymore." I laughed at her and nodded, agreeing with what she said.

"You're coming with us?" I offered while telling Yunho we just finished. Mom shakes her head, "I need to pick up Yunji at my sister's, you should spend some time with yunho. See you tomorrow dear!'" she said and walked to the parking lot while waving goodbye. I waved back and after losing her from my sight, Yunho came.

My heart flustered when he smiled at me. I enter his car and buckle my seat belt. Sensing that the car still hasn't moved an inch- I turned my head sideways and to my surprise, Yunho was already staring at me with his big doe eyes. I chuckled nervously, "you okay?"

Without an answer, he gave a peck on my lips and began driving us home. Darn it this man and his questionable love language.


lol, can't you believe its almost a year i haven't updated anything on this book  😶😶😶 was busy with my big exams and the sudden lockdown happening on my country , mental health sliding down and heaLING mySELF . Even had writers block on this book lol. So, i'm trying 🎇🎇🎇 to update this book and continue as i saw some of you guys still keep this book on your reading list and even voted, its so precious. Thank you 🥺🥺🥺

𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 ; Jeong YunHo [IA]Where stories live. Discover now