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Mrs. Jeong was surprised to see my sudden tears coming out that she immediately comforts me. not long after that, I stopped crying only sniffles and hiccups were heard, "Sohee, darling?", I smiled upon hearing my name as I look at her with an assuring smile, "yes, mom?" I gulped when that word left my mouth.

She gently rubs my left forearm, "I'm sorry if I offended you or something. I didn't have any inten-"

"it's fine, mom." I cut her off with pleading eyes and she looks at me with a sorrow look. I wave my hand assuring that it's all good. Suddenly, I remembered why I was here at the first place, "Oh! Where's yunji?" I asked, my eyes light up as I thought of yunji.

"Yunji or yunho?" she said, a smirk was plastered on her face while wriggling her eyebrows. My mouth slightly open, trying to say something but words couldn't get out and I chuckled instead, "okay you got me there!"

We both share our laughs after that.

As both of us walked to the kitchen, thuds of footsteps were heard from upstairs. Our eyes darted immediately towards the stairs and not long after that, a messy pink-haired boy appears wearing only his gray t-shirt and white short trousers.

And it was enough for me to be surprised with his sudden change of appearance.

He wasn't fully aware I came because I wanted to surprise him anyways. He seems to be still in his sleepy state judging by his disheveled hair and loose t-shirt with his hand rubbing his stomach underneath it.

My heart doesn't lie, the sight of mine really made my breath hitched. "oh god, why is he so dashingly handsome just by doing a bare minimum,"

I shake my thoughts off, he was still in a blurry state to see my figure but mom cleared her throat causing him to rub his left eye. "oh yunho, it's afternoon and you're still asleep" I spoke and yunho's movement halted and lift his head up.

His expression completely changed, his eyes lighten up and his mouth agapes at the sight of me before running over to me.

Me, who had fruits in both hands, quickly I placed it on the kitchen counter before he engulfs my small body in a hug. He squealed the moment our bodies crashed together, wrapping my short arms around his shoulder.

He snuggled against the crook of my neck as I whimpered on how ticklish it was but yunho doesn't seem to care about it and instead, does it constantly. "Why are you so clingy every time I came?" I asked.

"I can't be clingy with my own wife?" he adds, making my mouth shut and cheeks flushed at his teasing remark. A muffled chuckle was heard, a sudden vibration on my shoulder was felt as he did so.

"correction! Fiancé, we're not legally married!" I correct him.

"but still, we're going to get married anyways," he retorts back and I had to surrender, this big baby knows how to win.

A deliberate cough was heard and we remembered that we are not alone. Yunho removes himself first and both of us scratch our heads, feeling embarrassed on our sudden affection. "haven't said your vows but here we are with cute hugs" mom comments and I laughed silently as yunho shakes his head on his mom's word.

"oh! Where's yunj-"

"MISS KIM!" A cheerful voice screams my name and I smiled upon seeing her running towards our direction. I went down on my knees and opens both of my arms wide and she ran immediately to me before hugging her small body onto mine.

Our hugged lasts for a few second, afraid that I might get contagious from her sickness. When I let go of the hug, a pout was visible on her lips and sniffed after.

"I'll go back to school tomorrow! I promise!" yunji cried, pointing out her pinky finger to me and I intertwine mines with her.



Without her notice, yunho stares at her in awe, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. His mother walks over and does the shoulder accident, Yunho glares playfully at his mother who was smirking at him, giving eye signal for him to make a move.

"By the way," sohee trails off as she stood upright, facing yunho who had his eyes wide meeting hers. The girl smiled at the boy in front of him before ruffled his pink hair. Yunho was completely taken aback, heart pounding, cheeks flushed as the girl chuckles.

"when did you dyed your hair?" she asked the man. Yunho opens his mouth to answer but his mother beats him to it.

"yesterday and he dyed it just to impress you" his mom explained, yunho was completely flustered even sohee too. Yunji was face-palming at her grandmother as for the elder laughs at them.

Yunho ignores his mother before grabbing the both girls to the living room, leaving his mother to laugh alone.

"I'm sorry on behalf of my mother. Sometimes, she just spurts out nonsense whenever I do something new and if there's a girl here," yunho said.

'if there's a girl here' the words echoed on sohee's mind. She wanted to ask but she thinks she's prying his life. She stays quiet instead, doesn't want to be nosy on someone's life.

"why did you come though? You didn't even text?" yunho said and picks yunji up, sitting her on his lap. The child plays with her uncles' hand. Sohee melts at the sight as she picks up a small plastic bag which contains tons of medicines for kids and sweets.

" I can't come and visit my fiancée?" she said with a smug.

Yunho was speechless, he curses himself mentally for stuttering and not knowing what to say to the girl, feeling himself losing to the girl.

Sohee then burst out laughing, "You should have seen your face oh my! I was just messing with you. I came because of yunji since she's sick..."

"...and of course, I came because I miss you"


whewwww hi, ateez didn't won today but it's okay! we need to stream and vote more! here's a small update from me since i promise to update when ateez got their first win :D


𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 ; Jeong YunHo [IA]Where stories live. Discover now