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I know your heart is beating quick


"emergency leave?"

I repeat as sohee's colleague nodded before grabbing yunji's bag.

"it's a last-minute leave she took this morning so I'm substituting for her,". I looked at yunji who pouted, her expression shows much how disappointed she is.

After the incident yesterday, I tried texting and even called her this morning but no response. I know, it's our 3rd day but she's going to be my future wife, right? I have rights to be worried about her, but is it called is it called love?

I shook my thoughts; the woman was about to close the gate but I step forward and blocked it using my leg which I instantly regret doing that.

"wha-what's her home address? Ow..."


The notification sound wakes me from my deep slumber, I grabbed it to see thousand of messages from numerous of people.

"I'll check it later," I muttered before dragging myself to take a shower.


Living room

"why don't you wake up tomorrow?" my brother commented when he sees me before rolling his eyes while eating his popsicle.

I sighed annoyingly, "good afternoon brother"

Then, I walked to the kitchen to make some brunch, leaving him dumbfounded.

After the incident yesterday, I've decided to take a leave and to clear my mind about this. I haven't told my brother about this thus I don't want him to get worried despite how we always argue. And yunho, I'm too scared to bother him and I don't want to be a burden after yesterday.

My cheeks flushed at the thoughts of him being cute and giggly yesterday. It was indeed a beautiful date except for that incident, its all nice.

"you almost burnt your pancake-" Minji states as I stopped my thoughts and panicked before closing the stove. Thank god, it doesn't burn much but it looks crispy. Minji chuckled at the sight of me being panicked before helping me clean up,

"go eat, I'll clean up the rest" she says, taking the pan from me. I thanked her before taking my plate and eat at the dinner table.

Taking a bite of my simple brunch, although it's kind of burn, it's delicious. As I ate, I can't help to think about them, my kids in my school. How are they? Is Yeri taking care of them nicely? Is Yunji fine? But I guess they're fine, I give my responsibility to Yeri and threaten her if the kids complained to me the next day.

A rap of knocks was heard, all attention was on the door. Just waiting for it to open, me and my brother battling eyes on who should open the door. However, he gave up and stood before open.

The door opened, reveal a tall man with a brown hair, his face was covered by the flowers.


"Uh...who are you?" a man voice out. My eyes widen as I threw away the flowers off my face. It is not who I expect, I immediately bow with embarrassment shown on my face.

"I-I'm sorry, I'm yunho sir," I introduced myself, bring out my hand to shake with him. He looks at me before shaking his hands. Then, as if there's a light bulb above his head, looking at me while he shakes my hand aggressively, "AH YUNHO! THE GUY WHO SOHEE LIKES!"

I blushed at his realization and rubbed the back of my neck, "She likes me?" I asked, repeating his words again. He nodded, smirks at me before inviting me in. When I step in, her voice was heard, and me who really miss her voice, I look around to search. She walks to the living room and her eyes went sparkles as she sees me,

"YUNHO!" she opens her arm before running to me, I dropped the things on the floor nicely before engulfing her in a hug. Her body is small so I picked her up, swinging her side to side. "hi, I miss you too" she said as my heart went soft. I greeted her back and put her down.

The man earlier and now another woman came next to him, watches us in confusion, "the next thing I knew my sister is getting- "

"NO- "the woman cuts her off by putting her hands over his mouth.

I picked up the stuff I brought and give it to her, "I heard you were on an emergency leave so I bought some stuff to cool you down,"


I opened the bag to see energetic drinks and strawberries, I look at him with a pleading face before saying thank you and hugged him again. He is so giant oh my.

"so this is yunho?" Minji said, pointing towards him. I nodded before inviting him to seat at one of our couches, followed by my brother and Minji behind. I took a glance to yunho as he looks very nervous, his hand was sweating I could sense it. as I realized, it's his first time meeting them, of course he would be nervous plus this wasn't planned too.

My brother sits cross-legged, acting so cocky as if yunho did something illegal before staring at yunho,

"tell me yunho, who are you"


I know it's a short chapter, I'm sorry. Plus, I'm updating this just to tell you I'm publishing a new book, seonghwa is the protagonist :)

And no, I won't abandon this book although I'm having a writer's block on this book but I will find time to update this book and have more great ideas because I feel like this book is getting boring, I'm sorry once again. :(

I'll publish the book after posting this <3

I'll publish the book after posting this <3

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𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 ; Jeong YunHo [IA]Where stories live. Discover now