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I know you are but what am I?


All of us including Yunji are on our way to this place that Mrs. Jeong had book only for us. Yunho and I were seated in front while Mrs. Jeong and Yunji at the back.

But I guess, since Yunho is driving, mrs. Jeong instructs him on where we're going.

"mom, can you just tell us the place so that I could use the-"

"yunho turn left!" mrs. Jeong screamed as Yunho swerve abruptly to the corner. It was a quick turn that our bodies swayed following how yunho turns.

'you have arrived at your destination please give a feedback!'

the operator on mrs. Jeong's phone beamed and she shuts it off immediately. She looks at yunho with disbelief, "Next time just listen to me and drive," and she emerges from the car along with Yunji.

Both of us still remain seated at the car, I turn to see yunho puckered his lips after getting scolded by his mom. I chuckled silently and yunho turns his body to face me.

I swear he looks like a baby.

He looks at me with pleading eyes, lips still puckered as I bit my lips refraining myself from busting uwu's.

My body leans forward to him, giving a short peck on his lips and emerged from the car. Leaving him dumbfounded, and I bet he is blushing.

I lift my head to see the shop at the front of me. It's a boutique. The window glass that shows various of white, wedding gowns and a black tuxedo. My heart beats as I imagined myself and yunho wearing one.

The gown that was display at the front really captured my eyes even if it is not big, just enough for it to fit mine. The gown was a trumpet cutting and it is off-shoulders. Along the dress, it was decorated with beads and white flowers at the bottom.

It is really beautiful. I whispered, moving myself to the window and observe it more. Then my eyes moved to the suit, a black tuxedo and white shirt underneath with brown tie on it.

"why don't we go inside to see more," yunho's voice startled me, breaking my thoughts. His cheekbones rise whenever he smiles and it never fails to make my heart go soft.

He held out his hand and I accept it, our hands intertwined as we enter the boutique. And the butterflies in my stomach were dancing.

Mrs. Jeong waved from the counter, calling us to get closer and we walked over to her. She grinned at our entangled hands, "both of you are so clingy, what happened yesterday that causes you to be like this?" she asked, a grin was seen on her face.

Yunji scratches her head in confusion as she looks back and forth between us and mrs. Jeong.

"It's nothing, mom" yunho replied, rubbing his nape and I took a seat next to her as yunho trails after.

Then the rest of day was us conversing about our wedding outfits which I chose like the ones at the front. Yunho too, approve what I decided on.

Yunji was really bored throughout the discussion so she either goes and snuggled up to yunho or went up to me and plays with my hand, mumbling words that only a baby would understand.

After hours of discussions and fittings, I didn't realize how long we were until I took out my phone and the screen show that it was already 13:45pm.

I was completely baffled on how long we've been here but then I don't mind, it was enjoyable with them.

"do you want to go...somewhere?" yunho blurted out as he picks yunji up while we walked back to the car. Mrs. Jeong had plans so she goes first, leaving us with Yunji.

I lift both of my shoulders as I pout, "I don't know, where do you want to go?"

Asking him back makes the both of our heads begins exploring on where to go. Seoul is a big city but we had no ideas where to go. Now that yunji is joining, we had to go somewhere suitable for her too.

"should we get ice cream and buy you some plushies?" yunho suggested as he rubs his nose against yunji's. The sight of this made my heart clenched as I felt warm. We've known each other not too long but I could see he likes to spoil little kids.

Yunji squealed, saying a big yes with her whole chest before wrapping her arms onto yunho's neck and saying thousand of thanks to her uncle.

Yunho smiled as she did so. Out of blue, his eyes darts to mine as I was confused but blushed when he did, he offers his hand and I gladly accept it. And my heart couldn't stop racing.

The shopping mall wasn't that crowded since it is still office hours. We were walking side by side with yunji in the middle, her right hand holds mine while the other holds yunho's.

We had no idea where to go first so we just roam around the place, doing some window shopping.

Our steps halt when yunji suddenly stops too, she lets go of yunho's hand and points at the baskin robbin's parlour. Yunho nodded and holds her hand again before yunji pulls us to the ice cream.

Despite how adorable she is, she is quite persuasive. Yunho demands one scoop but she wanted three. In the end, yunho gives in but threatens her playfully if she didn't finish it all, he would not buy her plushies.

Yunho payed our ice creams before we continue our window shopping. To our surprise, yunji actually finished hers before us, completely making us taken aback.

"never underestimate jeong yunji!" she chimes, we both shake our heads on how cute she is. Within 10 minutes, the ice cream had finished and yunho helped us throw it while me and yunji waits.

The trash wasn't that far but it was kinda questioning on why he is taking so long.

"Miss kim," yunji called while tugging my hands. I look at her but she was facing in-front as she points on what ever is on the opposite.

I follow her hands and what I saw, I wish I could unsee but it just happens.

And my heart happens to start cracking.

Yunho is talking with a girl.

A/N: I know I haven't updated, please forgive me ;-; My seonghwa book (shameless promo hehe) had so many ideas. And im having a writer's block so I am SO SO SORRY ;-;

and i'm sorry i can't describe dresses lmao

Oh, and a new girl ',:)

Oh, and a new girl ',:)

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𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 ; Jeong YunHo [IA]Where stories live. Discover now