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Knew I was falling when I looked inside your eyes

3rd Person's P.O.V

The whole ride was harmonious, with Yunho and Yunji singing "Into the Unknown" meanwhile Sohee chuckles at their behavior. Despite how Sohee and Yunji didn't realize how far Yunho was driving, but with the right people and right vibes, they didn't care.

The car finally comes into a halt, which made Yunji stopped dancing and got sulky. "My favourite part came and you stop!" Yunji sulked, yunho looks behind to face her, "Sorry baby but we're here"

Sohee went out first before yunho as Yunho goes to the backseat, to help Yunji with her 'yunji's seat'.

The place was effortlessly beautiful, the view, the landscape. Although we only see grasses, trees and some small flower pots, it is still beautiful. As the person who loves natures, Sohee was overwhelmed to see this kind of view.

Yunho saw her, saw her expression which he got worried about because he wasn't sure if she likes It or not. The cheeky little Yunji who is on yunho's arm after she got out, went to her uncle's ear and whispered, "You did a lot for this date, she will love it," as Yunho heard her comfort, he took a quick kiss on her cheeks before walking to Sohee who is still stunned by the view.


"Do you like it?"

Yunho's appearance made my thoughts stop as I looked at him, smiling from ear to ear.

"I love it so much, Yunho" she said, Yunho huffed a sigh in relief. "I told you!" Yunji exclaimed.

The three of us walked to the middle part of the place that was decorated with a long mat and foods on top of it.

Like a picnic. I thought. All kinds of foods were there, fruits, cupcakes mac and cheese and baked lasagna I don't know if he made it or use the oven ones.

But I'm grateful for it.

3rd person P.O.V

An Hour was passed like a dust, both of them were still on the picnic mat. Watching over yunji who plays alone and her bubble thing that was kept on yunho's car.

Yunho took a quick glance on her, admiring her features. He chuckled silently when she sneezes lightly, "Bless you" he said, causing Sohee to look at him, "Already blessed by you"

Yunho blushed at her sudden pickuplines. She puffed out a laugh and apologized to him.

"so...tell me about you," yunho said, still looking at her.

"I'm not interesting you know, I'm just that kind of girl who wants love, finding love. I mean, I'm fun to be with like that friend who is always there for you," she said, fidgeting with her fingers.

Yunho nodded his head slightly, listens to her closely.

"what about you?" she asked, yunho takes a deep breath before speaking up. "they called me 'husband material yunho', to be honest I don't found it where is it but they say it's because of the way I took care of Yunji," he said and looks at yunji who is now running towards them.

Yunji plopped down between yunho and sohee, eventually lays down, still catching her own breath. Yunho gives her pink water bottle and yunji grabs it immediately.

Sohee lightly strokes her head while Yunho looks at her with eyes full of admirable. He couldn't stop staring at her.

Maybe, she is, she is the one for me. Yunho thoughts, Yunji noticed how dreamy her uncle is and elbowed her uncle's arm. Yunho stopped his thoughts and looked at Yunji. Giving her a question look.

"You like her, don't you?" yunji teased and giggles were heard after that. Both yunho and sohee flustered but yunho covers her mouth faster.


It is already night as the 3 of them, walked to the parking lot with things on their hands except for yunji, who is just holding their free hands. Yunho on her left hand while Sohee on her right.

It is quite awkward but with yunji singing her favourite songs, the atmosphere is quite nice. As they walk, both of them wanted to talk but the words can't get out until,

"I hope you had fun"

"I had fun today"

Both of them said in the same time which causes giggles at each other.

"glad you did"


After bidding them goodbye, locking the doors behind me. I lay my back against the door behind me, I can't help but smile widely.

I ran to my room upstairs to clean myself before going to sleep. As soon as I went out of my bathroom, my phone dings.

I changed into my comfortable nightwear and lay myself on the bed before grabbing my phone that was charging when I took a shower.

It was Yunho, my heart beat increased when it shows. Without hesitation, I clicked.


Still awake?


About to go to sleep actually...


Oh really?! Sorry for disturbing...
just wanted to say...um...thanks for today, hope to see you again tomorrow for the day 2...
it was a fun date anyways hehe. <3


It's fine, and actually thank you for preparing this beautiful date, yunho.

I love it, see you tomorrow.

Night <3

My eyes were heavy that I fell asleep unnoticed.

A/N :

I'm sorry for late updates since online classes starts and i hate it so much,, anyways thank you for your patience on this book🥺💞

I'm sorry for late updates since online classes starts and i hate it so much,, anyways thank you for your patience on this book🥺💞

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𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 ; Jeong YunHo [IA]Where stories live. Discover now