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3rd Person P.O.V

So Hee wakes up with beads of sweats running through her cheeks. She looked at the clock next to her on the night table


She breathed out in relief, feeling happy which she thought it was already late for work. As she rubs her chest, trying to breathe normally. She couldn't help but thinks what's wrong with her? Or is it coming back?

Numerous of Questions were crowded on her thoughts. She covers her mouth not wanting to wake others up and cried silently. She hits her chest multiple times, muttering 'Stop crying, stop it hurts'

However the cries turn into a slumber.


10:30 AM

The night was horrific, i don't know what's wrong with me. I couldn't help but my chest still hurts after the night.

Getting myself ready to work and went downstairs after that.

I didn't notice Min Ji until she grabs my arm softly, i shook my thoughts and stared at her with a questioning look.

"I called you three times just now, are you okay?" She plead, worried were shown all over her face. I smile sadly and nodded, holding her hands that were on mine's. "I got to go, i'll eat at my work" i say, she embraced me in a hug. Confused but i returned the hug.

"My personal charger", i joked which made her giggled.

Leaving the house, i waved at her as she did it back.

Kang's Kindergarten School

I may arrive earlier than i usually do but there's a lot of things i've to do before they came.

Cleaning up the mess they did, organizing things, toys were placed on its place. Student recording on the system. It may look simple but it's a tough work.

Nevertheless, i finished it within an hour. Feeling proud and satisfied with myself, i bring myself to the pantry to eat some food i bought just now

As soon i sat down, i immediately dig in since i was really hungry so the food was VERY delicious. Satisfied at the taste, i finished it already.

"I swear when you're hungry, you look like a vampire but morning version but you don't eat blood obviously," my workmate, yeri sarcastically said. I rolled my eyes at her statement.

"At least i don't leave the food here after i ate" i fired back as she hits my arm, i whined in pain, "Ow!"

She sticks her tongue out and left after that. I shake my head, curious what's on her head sometimes.


What if mom met her and immediately asked her to marry me?

What if she said no and mom asked Ye Eun to marry me? HELL NO.

"JEONG YUNHO!" Hongjoong shouted as my thoughts come to a stop. I look around to find them staring at me too.

I hang my head down, feeling apologetic and they all stopped practicing.

I sat down on one of the chairs on the practice room, stressed and worried is the only thing on my head right now.

"Hey, Yunho are you okay?", Jongho asked as he sits next to me. "It's my mom", Jongho rolled his eyes at my answer,

"yunho, when are you going to find a wife?" He mocks while imitates on how my mom said. I laughed, "No, like seriously, yesterday, when the accident of how i picked up Yunji late. Mom will pick her up today"

I rant, Jongho looks at me with confusion

"Well, isn't that nice, right? You'll be able to focus on your life...right...?" He said.

"Not only she picks her up but she'll meet Yunji's teacher, Miss Kim" Jongho eyes grew wide as i say it.

He scoffed, "I'm sorry but...have you met this 'Miss Kim'?". I nod and he sighed in relief. "Thank god, who knows you might get married with a divorce woman or an elderly woman", i rolled my eyes in annoyance, laughed a little on his answer.

"Whatever, as long as it's not Ye Eun, then i'm fine with it" i said, stood up, finally focus on the practice.

𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 ; Jeong YunHo [IA]Where stories live. Discover now