
398 24 11

Been looking for a woman like you for all my life

The poor boy sits nervously while eyeing the married couple in front of him. Sohee who is sitting next to him, stares with a worrisome look. Yunho clears his throat before starting,

"My name is Yunho, Jeong Yunho. 26 years old, a part-time dancer, part-time driver and a part-time barista. Well my members called me a 'golden retriever' and 'boyfriend yunho'. My intention to marry your sister is sincere and truly, I swore that I won't break her heart."

The brother breaks into a laughter, "oh my god, that was so hard to hold in. Don't be so tense, yunho! You're going to join this family soon!"

As soon as the brother said those words, both yunho and sohee eyes widen before letting out a nervous laugh. Sohee glares at her brother while he is still laughing his belly out.

Yunho giggled nervously, "I'm going to marry her in a few weeks if that is okay with you both?"

Sonhee breaths out in relief, "The faster the better please, I'm sick of seeing her here," he jokes and sohee gives him a sharp glare before rolling her eyes.

Sohee and Yunho went outside, sending him off since yunho is going to pick yunji at the kindergarten. Yunho leans his back on his car, hands stuffed both on his jeans pocket and stares lovingly at her. Sohee scoffs lightly, totally flustered at his cute attempt. They stare at each other, no words coming out from their mouth just their eyes communicating with each other.

Their eyes that speak love without any words. But they weren't sure about their own feelings, love? Like? Crush? Eye-candy? Both of them were clueless. Afraid that one falls while other pretends.

"you should go or yunji might throw a fuss again. Probably get you married in this instant," sohee says. Yunho nodded, giving her his sweet smile and goes in the

car, starting his engine. Sohee just looks at him, admiring his boyfriend material looks.

I don't know if I am lucky or fate loves me? Having a husband who is a god-tier is sure a blessing. She jokes in her thoughts, letting out a small chortle. Yunho who rolls down his car window and stares at her, who is still daydreaming.

"I'm going, see you when I see you?..." he said, unsure but hoping. Sohee nodded while crossing both of her arms, "see you tomorrow"

Sohee waves, bid him good bye as he drives away, slowly disappearing from her sight and her neighborhood.


Yunho waits impatiently next to the small gate, anticipating for yunji's little scream when she saw him. He glances at his wrist watch for the 10th time, as if this is his first time picking her up from kindergarten.

He smiles at the thought of yunji's first day in kindergarten.

"mwhat mif the teacher is angy?" yunji cries, muffled. 4 years old Yunji stood next in front of his uncle, wiping her tears using her arms. Yunho fatherly smiled before crouching down to her level, wiping her tears and cupped both of her cheeks.

Yunji looks at him with sad eyes, sniffles and hiccups were heard. "the teawcher won't get angy with my yunji, if the teawcher does, you tewll me okay?" he playfully mimics her. she then broke a smile when her annoying uncle did that.

She rubs her left eye, small giggles erupted before hooking his hand up under her arms. Yunji rest her head on the crook of his neck, calming herself.

Yunho then walks over to the kindergarten, ready to bring her in. excited yet nervous at the same time.



Yunho startled at the scream and looks down to see yunji standing in front of him. With her grumpy and sulky face, yunho finds it adorable. 5 years old yunji who was scared, now 7 years old yunji who is now courageous and happy go lucky like his uncle.

"I called you like 3 times! Are you somewhere in the clouds just now?" she sassily said before letting out a 'hmph!'. My eyes widen at her attitude, weirded by it.

She's 7 years old girl yunho. Don't laugh. He thoughts.

"why are you being so bratty? You're 7, yunji." He furiously said, causing yunji to stop and looks at him with a pleading face. A pout was seen and yunho bites his lips, holding his laugh. Yunji hangs her head low, scared for her dear life.

Yunho then, hooks both of his hands under her arm and lift her up, bringing her closer to him. "Look at me" he demands, yunji quivers looking at him. Tears were visible on her eyes. Yunho smiles and made a sad face as he wipes her tears.

"don't cry," he said in a melancholic tone but yunji wails when he said so. Yunho then cradled her, patting her head and pulling her closer to his shoulder. Multiples of sorry were heard.

Yunho walks away from the kindergarten and marches his way to the parking lot, avoiding all the gazes on him. Yunji stopped her wailing when they reached. Yunho helps her seated on her own 'yunji's place' as yunji's lip still trembles.

"I'm sorry, I'm not mad at you okay? I was surprised at your sudden attitude. Now let's get you home and eat lots of ice cream okay?" he comforts and yunji's face brighten up at the word 'ice cream' and smiles excitedly.


Sohee enters the house after sending yunho off and to greet with her brother and sister-in-law. Their faces full of enthusiasm and teasing especially her brother.

"Damn, yunho deserves better than a girl like you," he jokes. His wife slapped his back and he whined in pain. "thank you Minji, you're a life saver!" sohee said in satisfication. Minji nodded and gives a thumbs up.

She went upstairs with the bag that yunho gives. Sitting at the near-end of her bed, she smiled as if there's no tomorrow. Her worries vanished just like that with yunho's appearance.

𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 ; Jeong YunHo [IA]Where stories live. Discover now