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The cafè is not that packed so it is easy to find both of them. There, at the corner of the cafè next to the pick-up section, Yunji and her grandmother seats on a big sofa.

Nervously, i walked to them, Mrs. Jeong gave me a big smile as she sees me coming towards them.

Sitting across them, as i sit politely. She kindly ordered for me and it's my favourite, Strawberry Milkshake. How does she know?

"I don't know what's your favourite but i ordered strawberry since yunji likes it too, hope you don't mind," she says. I waved my hand assuring it's fine, "Strawberry are my favourite", i smile humbly.

I took a sip of the drink, oh great heaven! Totally delicious and taste heavenly. "This is so delicious! This cafè has the best milkshake here," i complimented and Mrs. Jeong chuckled lightly, agreeing what i said.

Mrs. Jeong look at me- wait no, more like observed me, smiling before speaking up, " haven't got married?" With those words, i choked on my milkshake, i stroke my chest as my coughs gets worse. Mrs. Jeong panicked, immediately handed me a tissure and a cup of water which i drink it afterwards.

"Oh honey, i'm so sorry for the sudden question. I should have asked you after you drink." She plead, Well you can't undo the past but okay.

After a few coughs, i managed to breathe normally and looks at them,

"Um...i actually haven't got mar-"

"UNCLE YUNHO! HERE!" Yunji screamed interrupts my words as she ran to her uncle. I turn my whole body to face him which both of us immediately made eye contact.

 I turn my whole body to face him which both of us immediately made eye contact

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I'm in awe, i mean- i met him multiple times but this special meeting is different. He had his brown hair down, with his boyfriend outfits-wait maybe husband material. I just couldn't take my eyes off him. He's ethereal.

I shake my thoughts when i saw him got closer to us and I immediately turned my body back to face mrs. Jeong again. She smiled seeing her son, "Yunho honey, glad you came on time."

Yunho smiled and sits next to his mother with Yunji on his arms and yunji hugs his neck.

God this is awkward.

Yunji suddenly lets go and sits next to me. I look at her, questioning why. She holds my hand and her eyes that is full of sparkles looks at me, smiling from ear to ear,

Oh no i'm soft

"My uncle is a nice guy! If you date him, i'll be the happiest person!" She proudly announced which causes me to blush. Mrs. Jeong and Yunho giggled at her words.

"Anyways, i called you because i have to announce something,"
Her words made us focus on her. My heartbeat suddenly went up.

"Yunho, i want you to marry her"

𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 ; Jeong YunHo [IA]Where stories live. Discover now