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Kiss right through the night

It was almost the 2nd week of them knowing each other but their feelings were confusing as ever. Yet they show a lot of fondness and cherish towards each other. To sohee, her feelings grow but still she wasn't sure as this is her first time falling in love with somebody, but for Yunho although he is used to this yet this is the first time he felt this kind of feeling.

An emotion that he never felt.


Sohee waits at her table desk, anticipated for the children's' arrival. Clearly impatient since she misses a day without seeing them.

Finally, the sound of kids talking and screaming erupting the whole room as they enter. Their eyes widen in shock when they see her figure before screaming in happiness.

"miss Kim!"

"thank god you're back!"

"I thought you'll never come back!"

Cries and welcomes were heard as Sohee felt overwhelmed at their greetings. She smiled warmly at them before speaking up, "yes I'm back, it's only a day though?" the kids suddenly yelled in unison as she tried to pay attention to all of them.

"miss yeri got mad at us!" hyejoo cries, sohee held out both of her arms and hyejoo runs to her embrace, engulfed in a small hug. Sooner, all eyes were jealous and sohee chuckled before asking all of them to get closer.

All of them ran and went circles around her, huddled up just to get a hug from their favourite teacher. Sohee felt her heart warm, she really felt like she wants a kid that instant. Finally, they remove themselves from her and went to their seats, ready to learn.

"let's start" she says with a smile.


Yunho runs around at the backyard of their house. Cleaning, preparing that was what he was doing for the whole afternoon. A surprise, again for her. After asking permission from her mother, he immediately cleans up the mess at the back and decorates it nicely with led white lights decorating their roof top.

A tent was held up nicely, a yellowish light was hanging on top of it creating the background like a honey-colored. He would switch it on at night, but he decided to test if it works and when it did, a smile appeared on his face.

Inside the wide tent, a pair of pillows was put in the middle of the tent while a comfortable blanket was under it. the blanket might be childish and cute but he knows she'll like it.

"Did you finish setting it-oh" his mom asked as she went in and her jaw dropped when she sees the beautiful scenery that was made by her own son. She smirked at her son who is staring at her, completely puzzled on her reaction.

"you're following his steps, yunho" her mom said proudly. Yunho smiled warmly at her as he struggles to untangled the led lights and when he did, "FINALLY!"

He looks around, admire the warm yet sweet scene. Even though, the sight was pleasing and beautiful, he was anxious. What if questions running through his mind. He stood there, perplexed and his mother who notices it, heads toward him and pat his back gently, "she'll love it"


Sohee and yunji again waits at the entrance of the school, waiting for yunho to pick them up and went out again. It's a part of yunho's daily routine already and he needs to get used to it.

Sohee held both of yunji's shoulder who is standing in front of her. Yunji looks up at her as they both made eye contact. "don't tell uncle that I told you this but he said, he wants to have a stargazing date with you" she sheepishly smiled. Sohee's eyes grew wide when she spoils the 'date' for later. Yunji then bring her forefinger up to her mouth, giving out a 'shush' sound, saying this is a secret.

𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 ; Jeong YunHo [IA]Where stories live. Discover now