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The kids were doing their usual things, drawing, plays with clays, some with toys. I keep changing team so it's easy for me to communicate with them.

As i observe them, Yunji is sitting alone on her own seat. Playing with her clay, some small things she would do. Her expression worries me, she felt uneasy and down.

Worried, i went towards her and sits in front. She got scared when she saw me but after that, she smiled. "Sorry if i scared you, may i ask, what's wrong?" I asked.

She shakes her head, saying no. A small smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Well oka-"
"Miss Kim.." she said, looking straight into my eyes, i don't know if she's concerned? Worried? I'm not sure..

"My grandmother wants to see you...later" she softly said.

As she said that, my expression dropped. My heart beats so fast. Did i do something wrong? Is the only thoughts i have right now.

Yunji who seems to notice my expression, immediately panics, "No, you did nothing wrong! She said it was something personal" she said, whispering at the last sentence.

I nod, giving her a small smile while patting her head softly, "It'll be fine, sweetie"



"GOOD BYE MS. KIM!" Hye joo shouted while waving at me as i waved back.

All the children had left, as i'm about to lock the gate, a middle-aged woman approached me.

"Hello, are you perhaps...Miss Kim?" The elderly woman asked, i nod. I look beside her, it was Yunji.

"Oh, hello, Mrs. Jeong, yunji said you wanted to see me personally?" I politely asked.

She chuckled, "Yes i am. If you have nothing to do later, can we meet up at Zero cafe? Maybe 20 minutes?"

"I'd love to but i have to clean up the place before going there, is that okay with you?"

"Of course it is, we'll see you there" she said and left afterwards with yunji.

When she left, i breathed out in relieved. Bummer, that was scary as fuck!

I mean i know i met parents during parents-teacher meeting but this is personal meeting-

I shake my thoughts and clean the place before going there.

𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 ; Jeong YunHo [IA]Where stories live. Discover now