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Her sudden announcement made our eyes widened even made yunji stopped playing with her uncle's hand. We just stared at her as if she's lying however there's no sign of it.

I blinked my eyes as I try to take the words in.

I chuckled nervously, "Uh...I'm not sure...", i said, whispering. We made eye contact, signaling to each other on who's gonna response first.

"Mom, why the sudden?" He asked. Mrs. Jeong looked at him, holding his hand before speaking up, "I'm getting old Yunho and you too. So please I want you to marry her." She desperately speaks.

Yunho looks down, giving a second thought as I look at him, focused. Until,

"We haven't got time to know each other..."

"I know...that's why..." she eyed both of us before continue, "...I want both of you to know each other for 3 weeks! After that, you'll get married."

Oh heaven.

Outside of The Café

We stood in front of the café, yunho was next to me and yunji was holding his hand. I stared at Mrs. Jeong before engulfing her in a hug.

"I'm going to leave Yunji to both of you, so please take care of her. Good bye!" She says as she waved at us goodbyes. We waved back, watching her going further away.

When her presence was no longer seen, I turned myself towards them. Awkward... "Uh, l-let's g-go" he stutters, looking at me from side-eyed. He holds Yunji's hand and walks. I nodded and followed after them.


"Uncle, bend down!" Yunji whispered loudly, I stared at her, wondering before bending down to her level. Sohee was still behind us.

"When we arrive at the park, I'll play at the playground and you'll talk to her, okay?" she instructs and does the 'okay' sign.

I nodded, giggled at her actions before ruffling her fluffy hair.


"don't play too harsh! Play safe!" I shouted as Yunji screamed 'Yes' back. I look over to see Sohee giving a worried look when she saw yunji.

"she's gonna be fine," I assured, smiling at her.

we sat next to each other on this wooden bench next to the playground so we could watch over Yunji.

The atmosphere is quiet, one of us didn't even dare to talk.

She smiled watching the kids playing.

She seems nice...I wonder how our children looks l- HoLD ON JEONG YUNHO, we're not going there.

I coughed deliberately, causing her to flinched a little before looking at me.

"I'm sorry if my mom sounds so convincing just now, if you don't want to, it's f- "

"No, I want to," she admits and to be honest, I feel glad.

She continues, "I want to marry you, I want to get to know you."

Her tone sounds desperate yet sad. As if, she had something that's never been told by her.

"Yeah, let's get to know each other," I said, cheering her up. She smiles softly, nodded. Okay stop you look cute

"So, a date tomorrow?" she asked. She's now facing me however I just couldn't look at her as I could feel my cheeks going red.

"sure...after the school hours?" I suggested, she pouts and nodded in agreement.

10 minutes later

Yunji is finally done playing, now we're walking back to our cars which was parked at the café just now.

"I guess, I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked again, making sure.

"Yes, after school hours...with Yunji" she says, caressing yunji's cheek before going part ways to her parking lot.

"Goodbye Ms. Kim!" Yunji says, cheerfully and waved at her.

I picked Yunji up and went towards our car. As we both got in, she asked, "Isn't she nice?"

I nodded, "I guess so,"

What she replies after that, made me shock in disbelief.

"well, your cheeks are red, maybe your heart is fast fast right now"

𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 ; Jeong YunHo [IA]Where stories live. Discover now