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Yunho choked on his saliva.

"oh shit, I'm sorry," sohee panicked and gently pats his back. Yunji silently laughs at their playful interaction. Yunho waves his hand, reassuring her its fine. The girl in front of him slowly moves back when he said so.

Sohee took out few sweets that she bought and placed it on the table. As she turns to take her phone, both yunho and yunji eyes sparkled instantly took it without hesitation. When sohee looks back at the table, she was completely shocked how the sweets was almost empty and looks at the pair in front of her.

Eating the lollipop innocently while playing around with each other.

She lets out a chuckle and the 'kids' in front of her stops whatever they're doing and looks at her weirdly, "I thought I'll be marrying an adult, but a kid trapped in an adult body" she said with a joking tone.

Yunji covers her mouth as she giggles meanwhile yunho looks so much offended by his fiancée's impression on him. Yunho then finished his lollipop before removing yunji from his lap and lays her next to him.

Sohee was busy laughing her belly out that she didn't notices yunho coming to attack her with tickles. When she finally noticed, her eyes widen in horror and yunho begin tickles her sides, her giggles echoing the whole room.

Yunho suddenly tripped and causes both of them to fall backwards. Sohee closed her eyes when she falls and only to be greeted with yunho just few inches from her face when she opens back. This scene feels like a déjà vu, where the male lead falls on top of the woman lead and their eyes met with tons of emotion in them.

And it felt like that.

Sohee could feel her cheeks flushed and yunho too. there was a pregnant pause before yunji makes a pop sound on her lollipop and yunho was the first to remove himself followed by her. the boy coughs awkwardly at the tension scene as the girl effortlessly rubs the back of her neck.

"...this is awkward" yunji comments and the couple looks at her before letting out a laugh. Yunho took a seat next to yunji and pats her head softly, giving her a fond smile. Sohee melts at the sight.

Realization suddenly hits yunho and he turns to sohee, who was surprised when yunho looks at her.

" you want to meet my teammates?"

He asked. Sohee was confused, teammates?

"well they're my friends too actually. Yunji here, likes San." Yunho rephrase his sentences and pinched yunji's cheeks and yunji hits her uncle on the arm.

Sohee chuckled at them before nodding, "I'm fine with it but are you fine with it?" she emphasizes. Yunho's brow furrowed. Me? fine?

"what do you mean 'I'm fine with it' ?" he asked again, confused with her question. Sohee rolled her eyes at his question, "won't you be jealous when I got close with them?" she wriggled her eyebrows and yunho scoffed.

"I won't because I know..." he trails off and moves his body forwards her.

"...because you belong to me" he finished his sentence and sohee hits his shoulder with embarrassment. "god, why is he so flirty today..." she mutters under her breath and yunho just chuckled.

"when're we going to meet them?"



Sohee could feel the intense on yunho's hand. The way he holds her hand while other holds yunji, giving few rubs using his thumb, as if he's meeting her friends. Shouldn't be the other way? Shouldn't be sohee who was supposed to be nervous? Instead, its yunho.

When yunho declared that they're meeting his friends, sohee couldn't contain her excitement. However, yunji came too, she wants to meet her favorite uncle.

The three of them entered the elevator and yunho pressed the number 3 before the it goes up to the specific number. Yunji has been jumping excitedly non-stop and brags a lot about her favorite uncle.

When they arrived at the said level, yunji was the first to let go of yunho's hand and ran out causing the poor guy to let go of his fiancée and chased the little one, "don't run! They're still practicing!" yunho exclaimed.

From afar, bass boosted music could be heard. Sohee catches up with the both of them when she spots them waiting in front of a translucent door that leads to the practice room.

"why are we waiting outside?" sohee asked when she stood next to yunho. The music was still playing and its clear what song it was. "we'll go in if the music stops" he replied. As soon as he said that, the music halts and groan of exhaustion was heard inside.

Yunho didn't even had the chance to knock when yunji suddenly enters first, making her entrance with a shout. The boys inside was surprised to see the unexpected guest but when they saw who it was, their former tiredness as if it doesn't exist. The 7 older men ran to the girl with wide arms.

The couple at the door soon enters after his friends engulf his niece, although she was complaining how sweaty and smelly they are. Soon, a blue-haired boy greets the couple and gives yunho one of their handshakes.

"hi there, you must be sohee, right?"

Sohee was completely flustered when he said my name. however, she nodded and he waves his hand before introducing himself, "I'm hongjoong! The leader of this chaotic group!" could hear yunho chuckled behind me, agreeing with what he said.

"its nice to meet you, hongj-"

"UNCLE SANNIE!" her words got cuts off with yunji's screaming and all of their eyes averted to her as she hugs which sohee assumed that was 'san'.

San picks yunji up while spinning her around and the girl giggles as he did so.

Meanwhile, the others started to greet themselves.

A gray-haired boy waves at sohee and she waves back shyly, completely fazed by how godly he looks like, "I'm seonghwa, the oldest and the wisest member"

The members scoffed at his introduction and a boy with a ponytail scoots him over and introduced himself as Wooyoung. The list goes on and on that she feels like she's being interviewed and glad she's great at memorizing their names.

"Damn yunho has good-looking members" Sohee mutters as she scans all of them.

Suddenly, yunji came to their circle with san getting dragged behind her. "ms. Kim! This is uncle san! My favorite!" she exclaimed in excitement. I smiled at her before giving a short bow to san. San smiled before bowing back and continue playing with yunji and their plushies.

The entire afternoon was then filled with them eating chickens and sharing laughs, some get-to-know better with sohee. Although, yunho was jealous but he brushes off that feeling since he knew it's a bit childish.

And yunho sworn his heart was beating rapidly the moment he saw her laugh.

i swear this book makes no sense anymore hsbdbsj

𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 ; Jeong YunHo [IA]Where stories live. Discover now