twenty two (YUNHO)

306 18 27

*this chapter all would be yunho's!

"I'm telling you, if you don't want to go, I can tell mom to cancel and we can meet the members instead- it's only the 8 of us tonight..." Yunho suggests as he stares at his future wife. The girl rubbed her hands furiously while staring at the tall building outside, a hotel actually.

The wedding is just tomorrow and tonight was their last night of freedom, yunho's mother decided to have a bachelor and bachelorette party that night, sohee who didn't have a heart to reject the mother, agrees. Yunho, on the other hand, rejects the offer but knowing her mother, she won't give up until he agrees.

"It's fine, i'll see you tomorrow, husband," she smiled before stepping out of the car, leaving blushed yunho dumbfounded. 'Right, today's my last day of freedom' he realized and stepped on the pedal gas, zooming to his friends.


Yunho huffs out a long sigh before emitted from his car. He looks up, observing the red velvet one-storey house which belongs to his best friend, mingi. When his mother pushes him to throw the bachelor party, he doesn't want it to be big but instead, he wants to be with his other 7 "single" friends. Like a hangout but rich.

With graceful steps and his hand on his pocket, he strides his way to the main door and rings the doorbell. Not even a minute, the door sways open revealing an average man and his silver hair standing out on him.

Yunho gives him a shy smile before the man in front of him beams, "THE GROOM IS HERE!" and Seonghwa pulls yunho in before locking the door behind him. Yunho was flattered, ears starting to blushed at how he announced yunho.

Seconds later, shuffled footsteps come running to the main living room and san immediately hugs the tall man without hesitation causing the both of them to fall butt on the floor. Groans of pain were heard from yunho while san apologized repeatedly.

When san helped him stand, others immediately gave yunho their bro handshake.and side-hugs each. And then, they went to the dining room and ate together with laughs and giggles.


He took a sip of soju and a bit of the small cheesecake they bought, his eyes fixed on the humorous scene in front of him. They were drunk. Technically, all of them except for him, the eldest and the youngest of the group.

From the dining table, the 3 of them watched in awe at them doing tons of actions with a drunk state. Hongjoong was sitting on one of the grandpa-chairs with a bottle of soju in his hand, glaring at the duo in-front of him. Which is Wooyoung and Mingi, hugging each other while yelling out lyrics.

On the other hand, yeosang was dropped faint on the floor with red cheeks was evident. San on the other hand, lying down and stare at the ceiling above.Their tolerance on alcohol was indeed low. Yunho let out a small chuckle and took another sip. He took a small glance on the eldest, shaking his head furiously.

"Get a grip, seonghwa hyung" he loosens up the eldest and pats his back.

"This midget knew how worse he would be when he gets drunk yet he still goes on" seonghwa scoffs and throws some used tissues to Hongjoong, causing the drunk man to jump out from the couch.

Jongho spits out his water when he hears the word midget. "NOT THE MIDGET!" he points out seonghwa's word and laughs. Yunho too, got contagious by the youngest laugh and laughs along.

"DID I LIE?" seonghwa comment, flying his hands to the air. Both Jongho and Yunho couldn't stop laughing at the elders' non-stop banters.

"By the way..." yunho speaks out. Both of them looked at him with curiosity, "why aren't you drinking, jongho?"

"Didn't feel like it although i can tolerate it. Plus, it's a big day tomorrow and I don't want to wake up, feeling like a big stone hits the back of my head," jongho explains and they nodded.

"Speaking about big day," jongho trails on and turns his body to face Yunho, sitting across him. "You're the main star tomorrow, how are you feeling?"

Yunho had a small smile on his face when he heard the question, his mind collecting ideas and performing words to answer the youngests' answers. He drank the last sip of soju and smiled, "I'm scared and also nervous..."

Seonghwa nodded, "of course, it's your wedding an-"

Yunho cuts him off, "The wedding jingles is something normal but what scares me the most is that...what if something happened after the wedding?"

"...what if I hurt her in a way that is something so unpredictable, even myself" he continues.

"Yunho, hey. I'm no love expert since I haven't got married but you know what they say, 'single people make the best relationship advice!'" seonghwa jokes before going serious again.

"Jokes aside, yunho. We've known each other for years. We didn't call you the husband or boyfriend material for nothing. You'll be a great husband for sohee, I won't doubt it. Even if you both had problems, you both will sort it out together." seonghwa adviced.

Jongho nodded, agreeing to what he said. Yunho stayed mum yet agreed to what he just said. He gives a side hug to both seonghwa and jongho, saying his thanks to them.

"It's not a big problem, hyung. Goodluck for tomorrow! I hope things go well as you planned and we will be the best groom mates for you!" jongho excitedly ranting on while giving yunho a thumbs up.

Seonghwa scoffs, "Yeah right, best groom mates. The 2 of us will be but the other 5 will show up and cause lots of problems." Seonghwa says and averts his gaze to the chaos scene.

Yunho and jongho followed the eldests' stare and their jaws dropped at the scene. Hongjoong was found on the floor with yeosang and they were hugging with each other. Meanwhile, the other 3 were on top of each other, sleeping like they were pillows.

Both HO brothers could feel the eldest fiery gaze at them, knowing seonghwa would freak out for the slightest dirt.

"Might just hold me back before I-"



A/N: i miss updating this book, and this might MIGHT be my last day updating my 2 on going books before i start studying! 

i always felt guilty if i don't update them HDHDHDH ANYWAYS HAVE A GREAT DAY/NIGHTTT 


𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 ; Jeong YunHo [IA]Where stories live. Discover now