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Kang's Kindergarten School

I couldn't stop thinking about Miyoung's response.

Bitch If I were your brother, i mean no offence. Like? 30 years old staying with his brother and his wife, what do you think i am? A babysitter?

I groaned in frustration as i propped my elbow on the pantry desk, both of my hands held my head, massaging my temple.

Where would you find a husband that fast? I'm not like other woman, who happens to have a boyfriend in a blink of eye. i'm just normal? Who watches K-Drama when I'm home alone, cry on devastating scene, cringe on a sweet scene. I really do wish my life was like that, being beautiful, boys lined up to be chosen but god please no enemies! However reality is harsh. I'm a woman whose about to go in her 30's and still binge watching K-Drama like a teenager.

A hand suddenly touched my shoulder and I visibly flinched, causes to stop my thoughts. i turned my head around to see Mrs. Kang, the principle of the School. Immediately i stood up, bowing to her, she chuckled lightly and tells me to sit down. She sits next to me, holding my hand. Her touch was a mother's touch and i love it eventually i missed it. I look at her, she gave me a warm smile, a motherly smile.

"What's on your mind,dear? I called you for a few times and you didn't respond," she said, worried were shown all over her face. I sighed, not that loud and dramatic though,coughing slightly before i answered her question.

"I'm having a hard time finding a boyfriend, wait no-Husband. My brother been bragging me to find one as if a husband is like buying a makeup set at Zalora" i chuckled.

Mrs.Kang smiled warmly at me, "If only my son is single, i don't mind introducing him to you"

Yes, her son, Kang Yeosang. Absolutely stunning and his kindness of heart captures many girls including me however he already got himself a girl. Well, no luck.

"Ah! Anyways, i'm here to say that. It's time! The kid's about to arrive" she said, standing up, holds my hand for the last time and lets go before going to the front door, welcoming the kids and parents.

I stretched myself before standing up,going to my classroom.

I waited patiently in the middle of the class, waiting for their arrival. Nervous, anxious, scared, excited all in one.

Suddenly, cheerful voices erupted the quiet classroom as they went in one by one, talking with their friends, some came alone and some with their own siblings. I smiled at their arrival,

"Good morning! I'm your teacher for this year, you can call me Miss Kim!," I announced cheerfully, they shouted 'yes' and immediately i instructed them to find their seats by searching their names on the table.

Sohee, you can do this! I cheered to myself and start teaching.




"JUNG WOOYOUNG NO SWEARING IN THIS HOUSEHOLD" Seonghwa hyung interrupted, who made wooyoung stopped his actions as i giggled silently.

5 minutes ago

Well, it's my fault. I was bored so i decided to bully wooyoung. Coincidence, Seonghwa hyung asked me to wake him up since it's late already. In his room, it was a total mess. Unclean clothes were everywhere, his computer were still on.

I got closer to his bed and cover my mouth to avoid waking him up.

"Hey woo, wake up" i said softly, shaking his body. In return, he groaned saying 5 more minutes.

"Seonghwa hyung asked me, so wake up before he himself does" i said, annoyed.

He groaned in response again. That's where i had to do it.

I switch off the air conditioner and ran away. So that's why we ended up like that.


I ran to Seonghwa hyung's back, who is now cooking for our breakfast and me who is hiding behind him to avoid wooyoung trying to attack me.

Seonghwa pointed his spatula out to Wooyoung and he stopped. I chuckled and Seonghwa turned around, glaring at me.

"BOTH OF YOU IN THE TABLE NOW" he announced and we both ran to the table. Seonghwa mumbled some incoherent words as he continued cooking.

Both of us wait patiently at the table then all the members came with their sleeping state.
After all were completed, Seonghwa came with food in his hands.

The food was something usual but it's really delicious, which makes our mouth waters more. When we were about to dig in, Seonghwa stopped us. We looked at him, confused.

He took out his phone and took a picture of the food. We groaned in annoyance as Seonghwa didn't care, taking more pictures even us.

"Okay you can eat it now" Seonghwa said and sit next to Yeosang, playing with his phone still. Maybe uploading it. We start to eat after he said it.

"Seonghwa please eat" hongjoong plead, annoyed at the sight of Seonghwa playing with his phone when others are eating.

Seonghwa hummed in response then he closed his phone and finally started to eat.

We ate in total silence when, "Yunho, i heard your mom is bragging again" San said. All eyes were all on me as i nod, still eating.

"Then why don't you do anything about it?" Now, it's Hongjoong. I stopped eating and put my utensils down. "As if finding a wife is like buying things online"

Not only mom who brags about this but them too.

𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 ; Jeong YunHo [IA]Where stories live. Discover now