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Finally, the music came into a halt as i lay myself down at the dance floor, exhausted.

My chest went up and down as i tried to breathe properly.

I closed my eyes to relax for a few minutes until i felt someone tapped my chest, I looked over to see Jongho, "Hyung, here" he handed me a water bottle. I grabbed and drink it, almost finished it.

Having most of time with practicing dance choreography was my job. I've been doing it since teenage years. Even before Yunji was born, after she was, i'd to divide my time between practicing, part-time work as a driver for yunji and mom and part-time work as a barista. However, i love my life and job although it tires me.

"Wait- what time is it?!" I panicked, searching for my phone and looked at screen.


My eyes widen at the time, 'oh shit' i muttered. The members looked at me, confused. I grab all my belongings and rushed out without telling them.

I drove to the kindergarten school with full speed and carefully. I don't want to risk my life with this, i have something to achieve before i die please god.

I parked my car in front of the gate, doesn't care if police wants to fine me or people will honk at me for leaving the car unknowingly.

I ran out of the car. I saw some parents left with their children, even yunji's friend. As i saw her, my mind over thinks.

'What if she's kidnapped?'
'What if she's alone, crying?'
No, no she won't. I told her if anyone who is not me or my mom came to pick her up, never go with them.

Arrived at the front door, i rang the doorbell several times and finally the door opened, revealed a woman around my age, i guess?

I looked down to see Yunji, holding her hand and when i saw her, i breathed out in relief, "Oh my god, YUNJI! I'M SORRY!"

Yunji lets go of the woman's hand and ran to me, i bend down and engulfing her in a hug.

God, thank you so much.

She broke the hug and looks at me with tears in the corner of her eyes, oh no i muttered, "Uncle Yunnie, why are you late?" She asked, i smiled when she called my nickname. My forehead made a contact with hers as i say sorry multiple times.

I stood up, "Are you Miss kim?" I asked with hesitation as the woman in front of me nodded, I breath out in relief.

"Thank you for staying with her, i'm so sorry for being late", i said, apologetic since i might made her wait or had to stop doing something cause of me being late.

Miss Kim suddenly slaps her face lightly which made me and yunji confused.

"Oh sorry, it's okay and i'm fine with it. Yunji's a nice girl", she said. I look down to see Yunji holds my hand while the other hand, she held a drawing paper.

Yunji's indeed a nice girl and a blessing, i said silently, brushing off yunji's hair that bothers her eyes. Yunji giggled.

"Good bye miss Kim! See you tomorrow!", We both left after that.

During the walk, she handed me the drawing paper, "Here!" . I took it and held it first since we almost arrived at the car.

She enters the car at the backseat, sitting in her own 'yunji's only seat' as i buckle her seatbelt. "Hurry! Open it!", she excitedly said, referring to the drawing paper.

"Okay okay" i open it to see me, not really that artistic of me but it does have some features. I smiled, going soft on it.

"Do it?" She asked, worried was on her eyes, i smiled at her and kissed on top of her head, "i love it bubs". She giggled after that.

Finally Home

As i parked at our own garage, Yunji immediately get out and ran to my mother, who was waiting at the front door.

"Grandma!" She shouts, running to her only to hug her knees, since it's the only part she could reach her.

Mom picked her up and kiss her cheeks, "oh my, i started to get worried about you? Yunho, why did you pick her up late?!" Mom said as she saw me went out.

Here goes the nagging. I smiled nervously at her, rubbing the back of my neck, "Practice ended a bit late", mom shakes her head in disappointment

"What's wrong with you? It's only Yunji and you forget about it? You haven't got married and this is how you act? I wonder how you'll do after you got a child?"

I sighed, knowing that she's gonna say that AGAIN.

"Miss Kim take cares of me, it's fine" yunji interrupts as mom looks at her, bringing her inside.

I, myself,too went in.

"Miss? She's not married?" Mom asked as yunji shrugged. "Yunji darling, Miss Kim, right?" She asked once again as yunji nodded.

I grabbed mom away from her, "Mom stop asking her that" she hushed on me. I was shocked, more like offended- wow-

Thank goodness i teach yunji not to interfere on someone's life.

"Yes grandma, she is Miss Kim, now i wanna shower" she said, annoyed then leaving us both.

"Good then! Tomorrow i'll pick yunji up and asked 'miss kim' ", mom announced, she smirked at me. My eyes went wide as i tried to persuade her not to.

"Mom, you don't have too...i'm sorry for picking her up late, i won't do it anymore" i said, nervously. Hoping she'll say yes but it's a no.

"Nope, it's my final decision. Or, you want yeeun?" Mom grinned as i shake my head, saying countless of no.

"Good, now take a rest, you stink" mom pats my head and left to the kitchen.

I don't want to date yeeun but that girl is total psycho but i also don't want to date a stranger. Whatever! As long as it's not yeeun, then i'm fine with it!

God, anyone but that Yeeun girl, totally horrifying.

I ran upstairs to take a quick shower and rest.

N O T E S:


𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 ; Jeong YunHo [IA]Where stories live. Discover now