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Have you seen the sunset?

Next day


I woke up earlier than I usually do, which is very odd. I couldn't even sleep yesterday; insomnia gets on me again.

Maybe it's because of I'm meeting Yunho again, I chuckled, shaking my head at my stupid thoughts and took a shower.

I check myself for the billion time in front of the mirror, this time I wore a red blouse and blue jeans. "Am I doing this to impress myself or Yunho?" I thought, checking myself again.

"Ah fuck this! I'll just wear work clothes..." I gave up and instantly change to my work clothes.


I know it's still early but I need to tell my brother before Yunho's family meets him. Literally, almost broke their door because of it.

I waited for them anxiously at the living room.

What if they reject Yunho? What if they found me one instead of yunho? Please no, I really want Yunho. Let's just tell the-

"What's so 'important' that you have to wake us up at 8am?" he said in annoyance, rolling his eyes after that before sitting on the couch in front of me and Minji followed behind him.

I cleared my throat before speaking up, "I'm getting...married..." I closed my eyes, not wanting to see their reaction

"WHAT?!" both of them said simultaneously making me flinched. I opened my eyes slowly meeting theirs and nodded.

"Wait hold on," my brother stood up, catching his breath. Minji helps him by calming him down. "Why so sudden? Y-you d-didn't even tell us that you h-have a boyfriend?" he stutters.

I huffed a sigh and asking him to sit down before explaining, "I know, it is sudden for me too, but yesterday, I met my student's grandparents and his uncle which is the guy I'm going to get married with. Without any warning, she asked us both to get married..."

My brother still stares at me in disbelief. As if he's trying to take in the words carefully. "W-wait, who is this 'guy'?"

I smiled, thinking of him.

"Jeong Yunho"



"uncle?" called Yunji as she stood next to my door. I smiled, gesturing her to come in.

She comes in excitedly and plopped to my bed, sitting next to me.

"You're going to meet Miss Kim today, right?" she asked while I stroke her braided hair which mom probably did it. I nodded, making her shout in excitement.

Shaking my head, chuckled at her cute actions. "Let's go or you'll be late" she nodded, ran outside to get her bag and I went out afterwards.

Kang Kindergarten School

Clenching yunji's bag on my right hand while the other holds her small hand. We're now in front of the school, debating I mean- I'm debating whether to enter or not.

"'re nervous..." I look down at her, staring at her worried expressions.

"No, w-why would I?" I replied. "Your hands are sweating..." she said, I instantly let her go but she holds it back, "It's fine, you're excited to see her, aren't you?" she said, grinning from ear to ear.

We finally enter the school and my heart couldn't stop beating. I saw her multiple times but why am I shaking now?

From a far, I could see her waiting in front of the gate, welcoming the children with the warmest smile I've seen. Like that smile is perfect and suitable only to her.

When we got closer there, she waved at us- Yunji I think.

"Hey!" she greeted us, again with the beautiful smile.

I gave Yunji her bag and she immediately wore it behind. Yunji walks in, saying goodbyes at me before entering her class.

However, sohee is still there.

We avoid each other's gaze until, "I'll see you later I guess?" she said, I nodded, smiling at her.

"Well, okay then...see you later" she waves me a goodbye before going in.

Jeong yunho get a grip on yourself.

3rd Person's POV

School has finally ended with kids running around with their parents catching up.

But, Sohee and Yunji are outside of the school gate, waiting for the slow Yunho to arrive. About 6 minutes, Yunho finally arrived.

As both of them entered, they are greeted by sweaty yunho. Sohee sits at the passenger while yunji sits at the back. "Sorry I'm late," he apologized. Sohee assures him that it is fine while Yunji got pissed which made Yunho surprised.

"anyways, where are we going?" sohee asked, as he continues driving. Yunho looks at her with heart eyes before replying,

"Anywhere as long as I'm with you"


yunho posted and day one will have part two on the next chapter uwu

Anyways, :)

Anyways, :)

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𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 ; Jeong YunHo [IA]Where stories live. Discover now