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The wedding was just few weeks away. However, it feels like there's nothing happening but without a doubt, of course yunho and I are excited. We are just bad at showing it. Mrs. Jeong has prepared everything for us that she tells us to relax and trust her.

So, we did. Both of us would just go on a date and discuss about the wedding.

As for yunji, she was the most precious child that I've wished for nothing else. She wasn't much of a spoiled or complained kid but she's very obedient and listens to us.

Yunho and I were getting along, we still had those awkwardness moments but we do share our secrets together. Our feelings are invalid, clueless as ever although we do look like we are in love but do we?

After the kiss we've shared, I was confused with my own feelings but does yunho also feels the same? We never dared to bring up about this topic although it was tempting for me but I don't want him to be uncomfortable about it so I shrug it off.


It was my afternoon duty to greet the children while yeri escorts them to their respective classroom. The day was unfortunately dark as if it was ready to cry and that time, I had an uneasy feeling.

No sign of yunho, no sign of yunji.

Worried has taken over my body, sweats began to form on my hands whenever I tend to be nervous. I took out my phone only to receive nothing from yunho, no texts and calls. Without hesitation, I texted and even called him but no answers.

I decided to throw away the negative thoughts and continue greeting the children and thinks in a positive way.

when the last kid enters, my heart beats faster. "where's yunji?" I whispered and suddenly, my phone rang. Quickly, I took it out and answers the call.

"hey," it was yunho. I let out a sigh of relief, "hey, where's yunji?" I immediately asked, yunho chuckled upon hearing my worrisome.

"so, you only miss yunji, not me?" I blushed on his flirtatious reply although he mayn't see it. I decided to play along, "no, why would I miss you?"

I could hear a dramatic gasp at the other side and it was enough for me to break the character, "of course I miss you, it's been 3 days since we last met." He hums in reply, "I'm sorry for not informing you earlier but yunji is not going to school today.."

And with those announcements, I panicked, "what happened to her? is she okay? Yunho, where is she? Can I-"

"she's fine, she's had a small fever it won't last long so she might be back tomorrow. Stop worrying, she's okay. I'm taking care of her right now," he said in a reassuring tone and it does comfort me.

"okay then, I need to go now. See you" I said

"see you too.."

Our call ended but funny how in my heart, I wanted to blurt out those 3 words.


The afternoon session finally ended, I peek over from the small window from my table, it was raining. It wasn't heavy so it's quite fine. After the children went home with their parents, I clean up a few things before grabbing my things.

Knowing yunho is really busy right now, I called mi young and she happens to be having free time, I asked her to pick me up and she accepts it without hesitating.

Get you a friend like that.

In 10 minutes, she came with her blue beetle, her first and favorite car. The car window rolled down and revealed miyoung with her shades on the tip of her nose bridge. She wriggled her left eyebrows when she made eye contact with mine.

I scoffed at her humorous action before getting in. "HELLO BEST FRIEND" she greets me as loud as she always did. I flinched and greets her back the same tone as hers.

"so, where are we going?" she asked while her eyes focused on the road. I smiled and replied, "his house"


Before they went to his house, they stopped by to a small convenience store to buy foods and few medicines as a gift. However, small shopping suddenly turns into tons of bags.

Miyoung's jaw dropped when she saw the 3 shopping bags when sohee enters the car, "Are you buying the whole store because you seem you do...". Sohee laughs at her comment before shaking her head, "you know how am I when it comes to shopping, plans to buy 1 but buys 10 instead"

Miyoung nodded, agreeing what her friend said before continue their way to his house. On their way there, they blasted songs and even catch up somethings about their life.

"so, when is the wedding?" miyoung asked.

"few weeks left" sohee said and it made miyoung suddenly brakes, causing the car to stop abruptly. Sohee eyes widen as she slaps her friend forearm and earns a groan from her.

Cars that was behind them honks continuously before swerving to another lane as sohee bows while apologize.

"Don't stop just like that you might get us into an accident!" sohee exclaimed and miyoung said her sorry.

"why I didn't get an invitation?" she asked and sohee rolled her eyes, "I was about to give it to you tomorrow but since you asked, I had to tell you"

Miyoung scratches her head in embarrassment and finally they arrived at his house.


Since I want to have my moment with yunho, I asked miyoung to go home after sending me and surprisingly, she follows and doesn't even make a fit about it. she said she doesn't want to be the thirdwheel so she left.

I thank god for giving me a friend like Miyoung, couldn't ask for more.

My breath becomes uncontrollable when I stood in front of their doorstep as if this is my first time enter this house. I gave myself some courage words as I clutched the shopping bags before ringing the doorbell.

Shuffled of footsteps were heard before the door was wide open and reveals Mrs. Jeong with her favorite duck apron worn between her hips. I smiled upon seeing her as I bow my head respectfully.

"Oh, Sohee! Please come in!" she welcomes as she moves to the side for me to enter. I nodded and took off my shoes before enter the house.

Mrs. Jeong closes the door after I went in and she engulfs me in a hug which caught me by surprise but I hugged her back while rubbing her back gently.

"Mrs. Jeong?" I asked and she lets go of the hug before giving me an unapproved look, "Sohee, we're going to be a family. Call me mom," she suddenly says while softly cupping my cheeks and strokes it.

I was overwhelmed by her welcome and I nodded before I burst into tears.

The last time I said the word 'mom' and held a mother embrace was three years ago.



Might give you guys a cliffhanger hehet.

Anyways yes I'm back to continue this story because seeing how much you guys love this book, it was really tempting for me so I did.

Especially those who commented as if giving me a hint for me to continue this ;-;

I really hope I won't make this book crappy and boring so, pray for my brain.

And it'll mean so much to me if you guys wait patiently for the late updates on this book (because I have another 2 currently on going help :0 )

And vote for inception hehe <3

𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 ; Jeong YunHo [IA]Where stories live. Discover now