
377 24 5

Turn into a sunrise


I woke up knowing the sound of the birds chirping disturbs me. I rub my eyes as the light blinds me.

Looking up to see him, sleeping peacefully as his arms was still wrapped around my shoulder. I couldn't even dare to wake him up, he sleeps like a baby. A small smile plays on my mouth as he scrunched his nose, soft snores were heard after.

Slowly, I bring my hand up to his face, removing the hair strands that blocked his blondish hair before caressing his cheeks softly. I took this chance to stare at him when previously, I had a hard time to even take a glance on him.

Of course, my heart was doing flips while doing so. I can feel his chest rises when he breathes, his heart beats uncontrollably as I count. I don't know why I did that but counting heart beats is heartfelt.

All of a sudden, he groaned as he is finally awake. He rubs his left eye while pursed his lips, like a small baby.

"morning" his raspy morning voice greets as my heart couldn't take it anymore. It could combust a heart attack. I replied his greetings before giving a quick peck on his cheek.

A grin was seen before hugging me closer and tightly, giving me small kisses on top of my head and the longest one on my forehead. I chuckled as he did so and hides on his chest, feeling slightly embarrassed.

I hit his chest softly multiple times earning a playful grumble by him. "Ah! It hurts!" he complained as I didn't give any attention to it and tickled his sides.

I learned that he is quite ticklish, a cute weakness.

"s-s-stop!" he says with laughs between them. I stopped my actions as he was catching his breath. He then, proceeds to stare at me. Our eyes made contact, as if we are communicating using our eyes.

But all I see in his eyes was pure and stunning. Like the stars falls right through his eyes, I saw my reflection in his eyes, it felt like a different world. As if I was trapped inside his glorious eyes.

"I love you," I blurted out, my eyes widen at the sudden 3 dangerous word. His giddy smile was replaced with a frown when I said so and in fact, I was hurt by his sudden transform.

I muttered a sorry before lowering my gaze down, closing my eyes as I huddled closer.

"I love you too,"

My eyes felt like its socket could pop out any second when he said those 3 beautiful but deadly words. "yunho-"

"UNCLE ARE YOU AWAKE?" yunji screamed before jumping onto our body, collided. She squirms the small space between us and when she finally settles, she puffed a relief sigh and looks at both of us.

Our eyes made contact with confusion while yunji hugs me tightly.

"grandma asked me to call you for breakfast!" she finally said the occasion why.

We both said 'oh' in unison. Yunji then stands up before exits her way to the kitchen. I chuckled at her cute antics and rose up from his embrace, sitting up. Yunho followed next and we stretched our bodies, giving out small squeak.

Then, we both walked out from the small tent and enter the kitchen with our hands holding together. Only to be greeted with the smells of delightful pancakes and bittersweet coffee tickling our noses.

Mrs. Jeong face lightens up as the both of us on her sight. "good morning lovebirds, did you guys sleep well," she says, quirked an eyebrow to yunho. He rolled his eyes before taking a seat and I followed him after.

My mouth waters as yunho handed me a plate with pancakes and blueberries on top, with maple syrup to complete the wonderful meal.

As soon as the utensils are on my hands, I dig in straight away. Tasting the crispy pancakes on my tongue, "Mrs.Jeong, this is very delicious, oh god!" I complimented, pointing to the food and looks at her.

She chuckled silently, shaking her head before going back to her food.

"thank you, dear. I'm sorry if there's any wrong taste-"

"nope, there isn't! it taste like my mothers," I said, smiling at the thoughts of my mother, reminisce the days when she cooked a whole buffet for breakfast.


Yunho laughed at her childish actions as he plays with his food. His mother noticed and coughs deliberately, "head over heels but please don't smash the poor berries," yunho rolled his eyes playfully at his mother remark.

When he looks at her again, a tiny crumbs dirtied under her mouth. It was tempting for yunho to wipe it off but he knows his limits and boundaries. Without hesitation, His hand moves up to her face, wiping off the crumbs.

Sohee who is startled by his romantic-ish move, letting him do it. Mrs. Jeong and Yunji was minding their own business as they continue eating but completely aware of the couple.

"o-oh, you should have told me..." sohee curses herself in her mind for stuttering, mentally slapping herself. Yunho smirked, feeling cocky as he handed a tissue to her.

She wipes her mouth, feeling her cheeks going red.

"ms. Kim is shy!" yunji points out, making the said girl more embarrass than she ever was.

"are you planning to go somewhere today?" Mrs. Jeong speaks as she looks at them. Yunho and sohee stares at each other before looking back to Mrs. Jeong and shakes their head simultaneously.

"Great!" she exclaimed, clasping both of her hands before standing up, bringing her plate and washes it. Both of them include yunji eyed her in confusion and curiosity.

"I have plans for you both, so be ready and be pretty," Mrs. Jeong announced while cleaning the dishes as the couple and yunji cleans the table.

They shouted 'yes' in unison before continue cleaning. Yunho even played tricks on her whenever he got a chance and yunji follows him. Causing sohee to be annoyed by their constant teasing.

Mrs. Jeong came out of the blue and immediately lectured both of them, making yunho and yunji's head hanging low as they apologize to sohee. She laughs before saying she forgive them.

"It's like taking care of one baby and one baby-alike adult," mrs. Jeong rants to sohee.

"Cutest babies." She smiled. 


yunho in this fanfic is during wonderland era but i keep forgetting myself for that lmao so- just remind me if i accidentally did brown-haired yunho🥺

yunho in this fanfic is during wonderland era but i keep forgetting myself for that lmao so- just remind me if i accidentally did brown-haired yunho🥺

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𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 ; Jeong YunHo [IA]Where stories live. Discover now