
486 29 24

( this chapter has 1816 words which is really surprising for me)

I met her on a Monday evening

Next day


I woke up and saw that my phone is still held since yesterday. I guess, I am that tired, feeling refreshed that today's the weekend so I could do anything I want. Since I missed my drama, I need to catch up on Itaewon class, maybe later.

I stretched myself as I rub my eyes to get a clearer view. Then, I charge my phone on my night table before bringing myself to take a quick shower.

I can't help but think of yesterday's date. Not so sweet yet romantic date, it's far from perfect, it's phenomenal. I found myself grinning on how cute yunho is. I wonder what will we do today, is it another surprise from him or? I should text him later, maybe. If I am brave enough.


"I bought tickets!" I yelled, running towards my mom and yunji who is in the living room, watching some cartoons. I can't wait to show them! All those all-nighters payed off although my back aches from sitting too long.

"what ticket?" mom asked, I showed my phone towards her. She squints her eyes to see better then slightly nodded, "with sohee? And that's a booking code yunho," I nodded excitedly and looks at my phone, and realized that it's called booking code not ticket. I scratched my head playfully.

Closing my phone and I smiled, looking at mom. Mom threw a questioning look on me, "what?" I shake my head, still smiling at her. "What do you want?" she asked again, slightly annoyed.

"can I bring yunji? I booked 3 tickets anyway..." I asked, doing the two-finger touching, pouting as I look at her. Mom scoffed and insist, waving her index finger in front of me. I whined using my puppy eyes.

"yunho, please, you're 30, go with her alone, have a date with her and I want to spend my time with my granddaughter." She admits.

I huffed out a disappointed sigh and smiled sadly, "okay then" and proceeds to cancel that one ticket. Mom smiled and strokes my cheek softly, "I want you to be a gentleman like how your father did," I look down, mom mentioning about dad made me realize how coward am I. Dad is such a brave person along with loyal and gentleman but me? I can't. I'm such a coward and awkward.

"I'll try" I said before I hold her hand.


It's 12pm and I am hesitant to text him, wonder what is he doing right now. Should I bring him on a date or watch my k-drama instead? But I want to meet him and get to know him again.

Holding my phone, debating either to text or not until his name popped on my notification bar. Immediately, I clicked on it.


Hey, princess <3

I blushed at his sudden pet names. I almost screamed.


Hey, prince <3


You have plans after 5pm?


Well I'm having a binge-watching my k-drama but no, why?

𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 ; Jeong YunHo [IA]Where stories live. Discover now