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26-year-old Jeong YunHo walked down the streets, making his way to the nearest coffee shop before going to his workplace. As soon as he steps in, the smell of the brewed coffee tickled his nose.

He ordered his "as-usual hot caramel macchiato" drink as the barista nodded since he always came by every day. After paying and took his drink, he stood outside of the cafe, inhaling the fresh air of Seoul although it was a bit rainy but he loves the smell of the droplets and the smell of the newly-cut grass. He took a few blows on his drink before taking a few sips. Tasting the best drink he ever drank. Then, he walks to his workplace.

As he walks, his phone vibrates, he took out his phone from his pocket and the screen shows his 'Mom' called. Without hesitation, he answered and puts his phone near his ear.

"Hello Mom!" Yunho said with a cheerful tone

"Hey sweetheart," his mom answered, with a hint of sad tone. Yunho noticed it and immediately asked her,

"What's wrong? Did yunji-"

"No no! It's just that- Have you found a wife?" His mom interrupted him. Yunho didn't answer her as he was thinking. Didn't know what's the answer to her question.

A sigh was heard from the other call as his mom talks, "Yunho, i'm getting old, please?" She plead.

"I'll try mom. Love you" he said, whispering the last words. Hoping she'll say it back.

"Love you too. Bye"

Yunho ended the call and starts walking to his work place.


I woke up due to the loud banging on my door. I groaned as i stood up annoyed on who ever behind those door right now. The door opened, revealing my brother as he looks at me, pissed.

"Don't you have work today?" He asked, I rubbed my eyes as i nod. "Well then, wake up and shower- You're almost 30 yet acting like a teenager for fuck sake" he complained and left after that.

I closed the door and stretch my whole body as it aches the whole night. To be honest, i didn't have the intention to wake up late but yesterday, i stayed up late to write my student' profile into the system which is THOUSANDS of them. Well, lucky me, i start working at 12.

3rd Person p.o.v

Sohee is a kindergarten teacher for 5 years already. Took a lot of blood, sweat and tears to get in however she managed to do it. Living in a big city of Seoul, she stays with her brother and her sister-in-law, who is kind enough to give her shelter.

His brother Seon-Hee would let her live with them until she gets married. It's almost 10 years Sohee lives with them which pissed his brother.

After her quick shower, she wore her work attire since it's already 10 and she needs to walk for 20 mins to arrive there.

She ran downstairs after smelling a delightful scent in the kitchen.

Downstairs, she saw her brother and her sister-in-law cuddling together while cooking. She rolled her eyes and coughed deliberately which makes them both actions stopped and turned around to see her.

Her brother looked at her, "Jealous? Go find a husband" he teased, which made his wife slapped his arm, "Stop it!"


I laughed silently, earning a sharp glare from my brother, "What's so funny about it, hoe". I ignored him and sits at the dining table. The table was empty. Weird, where's the food? I thought, looking around to search for the food.

"The food's on the kitchen, get it by yourself" my brother claimed as he sits on the table next to his wife with food on his hands.

I pout knowing that i just sit down and now i had to stand up again. I quickly took some healthy breakfast since i'm on diet and go back to my seat. I start to dig in as the food melts on my mouth.

The atmosphere was peaceful until yeah, my brother talks. "You're getting old, you know that right?" I stopped eating and looked at him. "But you'll die first" i teased.

"Shut up, hoe"

"Stop it, both of you", Minji interrupts as we both stop and I look at her.

"Sohee, what we're trying to say is, you're already in your 30s i mean, about to go 30 in 4 more years. All your friends maybe got married or even a boyfriend? And what about you? Still working and hang out with friends instead of boyfriends." She plead with a concerning tone.

Her words give me thoughts. It's true, I don't have a boyfriend. I swore that after i got a job, i'll find one and now i already got a job but i haven't find one. It's not because i don't want to, there's too many works to take care of and i don't have time for fall in love like the clichè moments in romantic movie.

I looked at them and nodded, giving a warm smile. "I have to go, Miyoung texted she wants to meet me before going to work", i placed my plate on the sink and ran upstairs to take all my works, making sure there's nothing left before going out.

I gave a warm hug to Minji as she gave me comforting words. I could have sworn she smell like candles, the scent candles. After the hug, i waved at my brother before going out.

Outside, I inhaled the smell of fresh air actually newly-cut grass but it smells nice anyways. I give myself a courage words before meeting Miyoung.

As i walked, Miyoung texted me. I took out my phone and groaned that she's ruining my vibes.

Annoying Miyoung:
Bitch where are you?

Bout to arrive, wait up

Annoying Miyoung:

i chuckled on her last text and walks faster to the cafe.


As i was about to open the door, someone actually did. I smiled, saying thanks to him. He did the same and walked away.

I looked at him as he walks away. He looks familiar. I stopped my thoughts and went in.

"So you're saying, you need a husband as soon as possible?", Miyoung said, shocked at my words seems she doesn't believe it.

I nodded as i drink my hot caramel macchiato.

I placed down my cup and look at her, "do you think they're sick of me staying at their place?"
I asked, worried.

"Bitch if i were your brother, i would though no offence. Like? 30 years old woman staying with his brother and his wife? What do you think i am? A babysitter?" She sarcastically said.

"Yeah you're right" I said, finally gave up.

Future husband, where are you?


𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 ; Jeong YunHo [IA]Where stories live. Discover now