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( please read a/n at the end )


After I threw the ice creams away, a high-pitched voice yelled my name and my whole body tensed. I don't know why but my body just turn to face with the opposite.

"hey yeeun..." I smiled awkwardly when the girl in front smiles widely, as if she was really happy to see it was really me. "It really is you! It's been long time since we met!" she utters, her excited smile never leaves her mouth.

God, send help

Don't get me wrong, her mom and mine were the bestest of friends and us too but I only think of her as a friend and little sister, not more than that. But to her, I was her everything and it's getting irritating no matter how many times I told her the reason. She doesn't give up that easily.

"are you here alone?" she asked, I shake my head rapidly. I opened my mouth to answer her but yunji beats me into it, our head turns to the little one and the tall girl.

"Uncle!" she yelled while running to me with sohee trailed behind. I observe sohee's expression who seems like she didn't care much about it. Yeeun's face lightens when yunji went to my side, hugging my knees.

"Yunji, hi! It's been so long since we last met!", she says in her high-pitched tone while crouched down to her level but yunji just give one of her cute glares.

Yunji has never like yeeun since forever, so it's understandable. I dislike her too but yunji is a daring girl, her words might hurt you than most boys.

Yeeun bought her hand to yunji's cheek only to be slapped by her, causing yeeun to retract, biting her lower lip as she was slowly annoyed by yunji. "Don't you miss me?" she says and yunji shakes her head.

I refrain myself from laughing and avert my gaze away from the annoying duo. Yeeun stood back up and looks at Sohee and looks back at me, as if giving me a signal on who she was and why sohee is so close to me.

"Oh, this is," I grabbed sohee's arm and link it with mine as I placed my head on her shoulders.

" fiancé, Kim Sohee," I announced proudly, yeeun's impression has turned upside down, her eyes were wide with shock. I looked up to see Sohee being flustered.

Cute. I thought before gazing back to yeeun who seems annoyed with this lovey dovey scene.

"Oh, I see. I'm yeeun, jang yeeun,"



"Jang yeeun" she offers her hand and I gladly accept it with a warm smile, "Sohee, kim sohee"

Her grips on mine suddenly tightens and I wince at the pain before letting go of the hand shake. I look at her, who was looking at me with a smirk plays at the corner of her lips and crosses her arm.

Her gaze changes and looks back at Yunho, "Well, hope to see you next time!" she exclaimed and bid us a goodbye while walking away from our sight.

I massaged the pain on my hand, red marks appeared caused by her sharps nail. I could feel yunho's presence next to me and holds my hand before blows on the pain "I'm sorry, she's very aggressive especially when it's because of me,"

He apologizes and I chuckled, "it's okay. I just need a bandage, the marks will heal an-" my words stopped when he gives a quick kiss on the pain. I was completely taken aback as I pulled my hands back.

If I have to be honest, I was flustered and I didn't expect him to do that.

"Maybe that'll heal the pain," he said in his most cocky tone. Scoffing upon hearing his words and grabs yunji's hand gently before walking away. Leaving him dumbfounded.

"let's go buy plushies," I said to her and she jumps in excitement. Glad she plays along with leaving yunho like that. Within seconds, both of us turn to see Yunho running, catching up to us but both of us runs faster.

"I WON'T PAY FOR THE PLUSHES IF YOU KEEP ON RUNNING" yunho shouts as we ignored him.


Seconds felt like minutes, minutes felt like hours, hours felt eternity. I don't know how long we've been in this shop that both of my legs started to get numb.

It feels like I'm taking care of two kids, yunho who planned to buy for sohee but now he joins her too and buys one for himself. Since I've been standing at the same spot, I decided to walk to them.

"but I want to have the same plushie like uncle sannie!" Yunji exclaimed while shoving the brown-colored plushie and it's quite big. Yunho who seems like he is at somewhere at the point he is giving up but doesn't want to lose over a small child.

"But sohee, it's quite expensive..."

"IT'S THE SAME PLUSHIE YOU BOUGHT FOR HIM TOO! HE SAID YOU BOUGHT FOR HIM HERE!" she retorts back, making yunho scratches his head slightly guilty for saying that.

I chuckled at the scene in-front but the both of them turn their heads to meet mine. I was stoned, 'did I chuckled too loud?' I thought before letting out a nervous laugh.

Yunji eyes lighten up and ran to me with the brown bear plushie, "Miss kim, could you buy this for me?" she begged with her pleading eyes. I look up to see yunho, mouthing 'no' multiple times but I stick out my tongue. He was offended as I did so.

"sure, yunji" I declared and went to the payment counter with her. she yelled a big 'yay' and I payed for her plushie.

But then, another plushie suddenly appears as I gave the cashier my card. The three of us (yes even the cashier) turns our head to see yunho with his head hanging low.

He lifts his head up and does the pointing finger thing with pleading eyes on me. "Fine, this one too please" I said to the cashier as she nods, completely weirded out by the giant man.

It really does feels like taking care of two children but one of them is an adult.

After paying, the both of them yells in excitement with two plastic bags on their hands. I shake my head, "what a cute bonding,"

I whispered and holds yunji's hand while my other hand holds the plushie since both of her hands are occupied with our embrace.



hi, i've decided to discontinue this book since i felt like this book is kinda boring and it has no future and i don't know how it'll end. Although i really worked hard for this book since last year, but when i did a chapter, the ideas just *poof* gone.

but then, i won't unpublish it. I'm truly grateful for those who likes this book and even voted/commented but then i'm sorry i can't continue it despite how i've done the plot and storyline.

INCASE, i do have a motivation to continue it, it'll be late updates. So, maybe there's a little hope :D

𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 ; Jeong YunHo [IA]Where stories live. Discover now