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"Okay, kids! Gather up!" I announced cheerfully, the kids stopped what they're doing and immediately huddled together around me, performing a circle. If this wasn't so serious, i might kidnapped them. They really look like small dwarfs.

I bend down to their eye level and smiled excitedly.

"What do you want to do, today?" I asked with the tone of curiosity and playful. The kids replied, screaming their answers.

"Do clay!"
"Origami papers!"
"Organizing our things!"

However, it becomes a fight between who shouts the loudest and not. I calm them down, not wanting to disturb other class.

"Lower down your voice, others had class, so if you want to say something, do not shout, okay?" I whispered loudly, earning giggles from all of them, mouthing 'sorry'

"What about you, Miss Kim? What do you think we should do today? Since you're the teacher," Jinseok speaks, making everyone was suddenly enthralled. Shocked with his question.

I bring my index finger to my chin, pretend to think.

"What about draw your favourite objects for your parents?" I said, stood up. The kids smiled brightly, agreeing what i just said and ran off to their place and start doing it.

However, somebody pulled my hand and i look down to see, Yunji, a girl who doesn't talk much but she sure is, friendly.

"What's the matter, Yunji?" I asked, she held up her A4 blank paper and looks at me with glittery eyes.

"Well, i don't have a favourite object but i have a favourite person!" I smiled at her statement, "of course you can! Who is it?" I asked curiously. Kids these days knows BTS more than m-

"My uncle! Uncle Yunho!" She said cheerfully, grinning from ear to ear. I chuckled and nodded and asked her to go to her own place and draw.


The bell had rang, all the kids packed their bags in a rush, can't wait to go home.

"Before you go, don't forget to show your parents the drawing, okay?" I shouted playfully as they shouted 'yes' simultaneously.

"Thank you class!"

"Thank you Miss Kim!" They said, standing firmly before bowed down.

I bought all of them out, to their parents, of course.

After the kids had left, i can't help but feel soft. Seeing them holding their parents' hands and telling what did they do warms my heart. Some went home with their siblings.

I really need to find a husband fast or no babies. I giggled, shaking my thoughts

I went back to the class to clean up just to see Yunji, alone,on her seat. "Yunji?", she turned around and smiled. "Your parents haven't come?" I asked. She shakes her head, "My parents never pick me up. My uncle usually does, he is always early but today he-"

The doorbell interrupted, scaring us.

"I think that's him, let's go" i said, holding her hands and brought her to the gate.

I opened the door to see a man. A muscular man.

"Oh my god, YUNJI! I'M SORRY!" he shouted, feeling relieved seeing her. Yunji smiled at him and immediately ran to him, the man bend down and embracing her in a hug.

Yunji lets him go and looked at him, "Uncle yunnie, why are you late?" She said, looking at him with glassy eyes. The guy pouts and cupped her face, his forehead made a contact with hers, mutters 'sorry'

Not gonna lie, my heart feels warm at the sight of what i am seeing right now.

"Are you Miss Kim?" The guy asked, looking at me. I nodded. He, again, sighed in relief. "Thank you for staying with her, i'm so sorry for being late" he smiled

You're incredibly handsome, date me. I slapped myself lightly, which makes them both confused.

"Oh sorry, it's okay and i'm fine with it. Yunji's a nice girl," I chuckled. He looks at Yunji and brushed Yunji's hair that bothers her eyes,

"Yunji's indeed a nice girl and a blessing" he said, which made Yunji giggled at him.

"Good bye, Miss Kim! See you tomorrow!" Yunji said, waved at me as she goes. I waved back although she really couldn't see that much.

He's handsome, should i shoot my shot?

N O T E S:

I know it's kinda short. Next chapter will be about yunho's p.o.v

School's been stressing me out so i may update late. I truly admire your patience with my late updates🌟❤

𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬 ; Jeong YunHo [IA]Where stories live. Discover now