06 - She Blackmailed Him

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Six Days Later, Monday morning. Naruto's Third week of school.




"Oh shut up!!" I yelled, jumping up and punching the alarm clock. It hadn't broken, nor did it turn off. I let out a shaky sigh before calmly turning to my nightstand, grabbing the screaming device, and shutting it off. I look down at the time.

6:00 AM

Alright, school starts in two hours. I have just about enough time to get ready. I sit still, staring at the mirror in front of my bed for about two minutes before letting out another sigh.
"God, why'd I have to wake up so early..." I complain while ruffling my hair. 

I yawn and stretch my arms, reaching for my bedsheets, I pull them off of my body and walk towards the window. Moving the curtains a bit, I glance outside noticing that it was still dark. I sigh and walk over to the washroom. There, I stood before the counter on which another mirror rested. "Hah, I slept naked again," I mumbled. 

Just at that moment, the image of me grabbing Sasuke's waist in the boy's washrooms appeared in my head, down to the moment he kissed me. 

"You're a good kisser, Sasuke-teme,"

I felt the heat rush to my face as I suddenly imagined him naked, slumped over in front of me.
"What the..."
 I cover my face with my palm, with the face of utter shock and the sudden realization of what I had done last Tuesday. No, scratch that, this was the dobe's fault! The dumbass managed to make me hard! 

Two enemies kissing is normal, right? Enemies with benefits? Yeah, no. No way.
Why am I remembering this now of all times? This is so ridiculously stupid, I'm literally fantasizing about fucking him right now!
"Aww, man! Why the hell did I even do that! Nevermind that, the fact that I kissed him back is the worst part!!" I started punching the counter due to frustration. 

"Hah?! Kissed him back? Naruto, you kissed a guy?!" I heard Pervy sage's footsteps grow more boisterous at every passing second until he hurled open the door. My face went completely pale. 

Crap! I am so screwed!

-Ultimately, thirty minutes later.

"So...you aren't pissed..?" I took a sip of ramen broth.  Jiraiya sat on the couch, searching for a good channel to watch on TV. I took a glance at him, and he seemed pretty calm. Though, before now, he kinda did drag me here by the ear after hearing about that incident from six days ago. 

"Of course I'm not mad," He lowered the remote to look at me. Suddenly he was making a smug expression and a terrifyingly deviating smirk. 

Woah, what the hell, is he crazy!?

"After all, I already knew you swung that way, hee hee! Though, I did prefer you go for the ladies," He began chuckling like a freak while wriggling his eyebrows. I simply look away and take another slurp of my ramen, finishing it.

"I mean, well yeah no shit. I'm the one who told you I was bi. And it's not my fault, he's the one that kissed me first." I toss the cup from one side of the room to another, perfectly landing it in the garbage can. "And also, there was this one girl-"

"Really? Tell me, tell me, did you kiss her too?!" He disrupted, adding fuel to my annoyance. I twitched my eyebrow. Can you not interrupt me?
 "No. I did not. In fact, the guy I kissed is the one she's after." 

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