22 - Uzumaki's Mercilessness

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"Ino?" Sakura spoke into her phone. "Yeah, I'm here, for some reason Hinata isn't picking up," Ino told, glancing at the other phone that was currently ringing in her left hand.

"Ah, I see," Sakura spoke, glancing down at the door handle before her. She was currently standing before Naruto and Sasuke's dorm, and she knew for a fact that neither of them was in there considering how suspiciously quiet it was for two of the noisiest pairs of people.

Or maybe it's because Sasuke's at work, I forgot...' thought the pinkette. But there was a chance that Naruto was here. She then sighed and pulled out the spare apartment keys Suigetsu had let her borrow.

"I'm going in now, Ino. If Hinata doesn't pick up then don't worry, I'll ask her later," Sakura said. "Really? Alright then. So, do I continue with the plan..?" Ino asked.

Sakura glanced down the dark hallways and then up at the back camera. "Yeah. We're damn lucky that Shikamaru was able to hack the security system without asking why; and that Naruto and Sasuke's dorm is in the blindest spot of the camera," Sakura stated.

Ino silently agreed as she watched the live camera footage displayed on the computer screen before her. "That's true; we can't afford to get caught in the boys' dorms area and especially past 6 pm."

Sakura then swiftly put the key in the keyhole and twisted it open and in a quick motion, shoving herself in before shutting the door and locking it from the inside.

"I'm in, and luckily I've been here many times to know what rooms are where," she whispered. "Just get going," Ino spoke. Sakura scoffed and shuffled her way towards the living room.

"Naruto? Naruto are you here?" She spoke.
There was no reply. Usually, he would come running at the sound of her voice, so that concluded that he indeed isn't here. So where could he be anyway?

"Sakura just go over to Sasuke's room already!" Ino whispered. "Oh shut up. I have to know if someone is here first you know!" Sakura whispered back. Ino sighed.

Sakura then casually yet cautiously made her way towards Sasuke's side of the dorm and opened his door. The same old applejack aroma remained in the air, and his room hadn't changed at all either.

"Now, time to search for some clues," Sakura said, putting on some plastic gloves to hide her fingerprints; she didn't want to get anything of Sasuke's dirty. "Ino, put yourself on mute," she suggested. Ino hummed in response and did as Sakura requested.


"I FUCKING MISSED HIM!" yelled a furious voice, coming from one of the vans in which Naruto had just left a deep indent on the roof after leaping onto another van from on top of it.

Glancing back for a brief moment, he was able to see off Nagato's car before instantly aiming downwards and shooting the front window of the car that had chased behind him, shattering glass, ending in a car crash between that car and the one beside it.

He then saw a black BMW ahead of him slowly start to pull back, and he instantly found it suspicious. When the BMW took a sharp left turn, Narut glared and followed right after it, jumping from car to car, and eventually, he had to start running as black vans started chasing him.

No one could match Naruto's speed game.

He could see the end of an intersection coming into view as he turned and saw flashing lights up ahead. It was the police, but at this moment, Naruto was too angry to even care. That BMW has that man in there. A gut feeling that Naruto would stick true to.

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