03 - This Is Going To Be Fun

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Naruto's POV 

I watched Sasuke's back as he further disappears into the distance, making a left turn into the, classroom? I think. I cover my mouth, stopping myself from letting out a fiendish cackle, and dust the area of my shirt where Sasuke punched me. I walk back into the washroom, and just then, I spot the hall pass on the floor. 
Pfft- That was hilarious, holy shit. He's such a loser.

I'm definitely gonna use that against him some other day.

But seriously, do guys really blush that hard when they're jacking off? I mean, Sasuke was about as comparable to a tomato back there, and fuck me for not noticing at first. Actually, please don't.

I watch porn but even I don't get that red. I. I actually don't know how red I get so never mind. I sigh and go to wash my hands, then dry them and put them in my front pants pockets. Before I leave, I peer back at the girl's hall pass, contemplating on whether or not I should bring it back. Nah, I'll just leave it, who cares about the girls. No homo. Wait, but I am homo...Nevermind. And besides, Sasuke touched it with his unwashed hands. 


The school was pretty large, so I had to walk around for quite some time to find the classroom. I totally forgot which way Sasuke took to get to the classroom, and all of the doors were closed. 
And there was just no way I was gonna ask him for help to get back to class before he had left. Oh wait, the girl's washroom pass had the homeroom number on it. ...Yeah there's no way I'm walking all the way back there.

I honestly thought that since I was new, more people would have at least tried talking to me, but so far, no one wanted to be my friend. Not even Karin, my own cousin, wanted to talk to me. She was all for Sasuke. Even that pretty girl with pink hair.

"Sasuke~ Sasuke~! Everything is always gotta be Sasuke! Why that inadequate bastard.!" I grumble. How depressing. But it's fine, the only friend I need is ramen.
Just then, the bell rings, and an army of students swarm the hallways like bees. Great, now how do I make it back.

About a hundred students bump into me, but me being me, I bump right back into them to ease my anger. 

A few minutes pass before I get back to the classroom. Finally. I sigh and head over to my desk to grab my stuff. I put my bag around my shoulder and head out. Then I realized I didn't know what class I had next. Crap. Now I have to all the way back to find Kakashi-sensei and ask him. Well, at least I didn't go too far away from the classroom, I could easily find my way back there. And I did, but Kakashi-sensei was gone. 

"Oh my fucking god..." I complain, dragging down the skin on my face. "Can you shut up?" I hear someone say. I shot up, surprised that anyone was still left in here. Oh, it was Sasuke, sitting there all high and mighty with his chin resting on his knuckles. I didn't even notice him.

Ew, why do I have to be alone in the classroom with this scronny bastard?

"No, I wont shut up!" I yell back, crossing my arms. "Why are you even here?" I ask him. I heard him growl, then he just ignored me and gazed out the window. This, this right here is why I hate him. 

I roll my eyes and then glare at him, "Sasu-"

"You sure took your sweet ass time getting here," He intervened, getting up with his bag and walking towards me. I watch his movements as he takes step by step towards my direction, he stopped in front of me to the right. Then he lifted his hand and placed on on my shoulder, squeezing it hard. 

"Tell anyone about what happened earlier and consider yourself homeless, bastard." He muttered, virulence in his voice. 

Okay, I gotta admit, that threat was pretty hilarious. 

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