10 - Mine

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I've found myself thinking about that kiss more and more often, and the numerous ways it could have ended. 
Not only that, but I've been thinking about him more lately. I felt a little happy when I found out that we shared similar interests. I even hand fucked myself thinking about him on that same day. His voice, his hair, his pretty long eyelashes. His reactions as well as his attitude. I found it amusing. 

But something still doesn't sit right with me about him. He's hiding something, I just know it. My first suspicion was his weird hobby, photography.

I held my head low as I walked to class, shading my eyes from the glaring sun with my palm just above my eyebrows. I reach for my bottom lip with my other hand.

He really is a complete idiot, messing with my feelings like that. Dattebayo,


I stood outside the classroom and stared in through the clean window. There, I could see Sasuke fast asleep with his head resting on his arms. Sakura was sitting directly behind him with Ino right beside her, both girls watching him closely with a daydreamy look on their faces.

'What a pain... At least it's Friday.'

Even after the bell rang for the first period, I remained standing outside the classroom, and Sasuke remained asleep. Something about Sakura sitting there staring at Sasuke ticked me off, and I wanted to see what she'd do.  The chatter in the halls grew louder, and since I was already feeling a bit pissed, I decided to go inside before Kakashi sensei made it worse.

"Oh, hey Naruto-kun!" A random girl waved at me. I smiled and waved back. It made me feel a bit awkward, all of the attention I'm getting suddenly. Was this how Sasuke used to feel back in middle school when he was popular? It seems he's not as popular here, but some worms are hanging around him here and there.

I walked up to my desk in the front of the class and take a seat. I rest my elbow on my leg, my chin on my calm, and turn to face Sasuke in the back. I grow confused once I see Sakura and Ino ruffling Sasuke's hair.

"Didn't even say hi to me?" Kiba utters. I glance back and roll my eyes at him. Kiba growls as a response. "Why are you so obsessed with Sakura?" 

I click my teeth and my head all the way around and glare at him. "I'm not looking at Sakura. Can you shut up?" I deadpan. My eyes then widen at my words. 

"Jeez, what did I ever do to you?" he shifted in his seat and faced the front. I thought to apologize, but didn't bother. Instead, I turn back to face a certain someone as he starts waking up. Just what is it you're hiding, Sasuke-teme?' 

.S's POV.
"Wouldn't you be better off if you get a little more sleep?" Sakura spoke, poking at my hair along with Ino. Tch- As if I could sleep after what happened to me yesterday. "Hn." I hummed. 

"Yeah, you should've just slept in Sasuke," Ino tucked the few strands of raven locks covering my face behind my ear and smiled. I squint my eyes at the unexpected snare of bright light and brushed my hair back into my face. "Hnn." I groaned, too tired to speak. Why can't they just leave me alone?'

I heard a series of footsteps coming in my direction. "Ah! Naruto! Look! Look!" Sakura shouted, the said boy glancing at her as acknowledgment. She poked my hair once again, while my eyes widened at the name she called. "Touching him feels pretty good, doesn't it?"


I immediately sit up in my chair and stare directly into Naruto's bright, blue eyes. Him, standing a few feet away from my desk. "Na- Naruto..." Why did I stutter? Why did I speak in the first place?'

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