27 - Return Of

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A/N: Sorry (im not sorry) for not updating for a few months (for 531 days actually). I kinda have a life to live yk?(thats a lie, i was just too ashamed to update)(i at the moment have this spiralling love hate relationship with this book which is continuing the deteriorate(the love part))






"Motherfucker!" Sasuke hissed, picking up himself and the phone. "Hello?"

"I'm here, bastard!" came Naruto's cheerful voice. He rolled his eyes and smirked.

"I'll be right down."

The air outside was crisp and icy, the kind of cold where if you breathed too deep it stabbed at your lungs. The cold air felt like a blade to your skin. Large icicles hung from rooftops and gutters in the neighbourhood. 

A bright orange Jeep Wrangler was waiting on the street. The back passenger's side window rolled down, and Naruto popped out, waving enthusiastically.

"Sasuke! Get in!" He rolled his eyes again, carefully picking his way around patches of ice and gripping the car door so he wouldn't slip on a particularly insidious strip right next to the car. Naruto scooted over to the other side as Sasuke hopped in, immediately stowing the duffel on the floor beneath his feet and buckling himself in.

"Wassup, bitch?" Kiba said, glancing back toward him as he released the parking brake. Sasuke scowled at him.

"Hey, be nice!" Naruto shouted, kicking at the back of Kiba's seat.

"Hey, don't fuck up your own car! Sakura just gifted you this for Christmas!"

"Please stop," Hinata said from in front of Sasuke. "Can't we all just get along?"

"Aw c'mon, Hina, you know we're not actually fighting," Kiba snickered towards Naruto.

Naruto turned to Sasuke, blessedly removing him from the couple's conversation in the front.

"Hey, Sasuke, you look tired," he said. Sasuke raised a brow. "Are you okay?" Sasuke shrugged, and Naruto frowned. "Do you want to talk about it?" He just shrugged again.
"It's nothing I haven't dealt with before. This time of year is just... hard." Naruto nodded.

"I get it. Winter for you can be really hard..." Sasuke nodded back. Do I make a conversation out of this? Do I talk with him? Is he ready for me to open up everything? Am I ready to open up? "Listen, I know it's taking a lot for you to come hang out right now. I really appreciate it." Sasuke nodded, unsure of what to say.

"If at any point you can't take it, just let me know. Someone will be able to drive you home." He nodded again. He was already feeling tired. Kiba flicked on the radio, blaring hip-hop. Sasuke grimaced, shrinking into the corner of his seat. Naruto pouted, switching to a meaner tone. "Kiba, what the fuck man? You tryna make our ears bleed or something!?"

"Oops, sorry." He lowered the volume down to a bearable level "I forgot I upgraded the speakers back there. Hinata, could you-?"


Hinata started adjusting various settings, somehow increasing the sound toward the front of the car and lowering it in the back. He must have done a lot of custom work to this car. Is he a mechanic or something? No, that's stupid. Mechanics don't have to go to college, what would he be in school for if he's a mechanic?  Sasuke's thoughts raced.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2023 ⏰

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