24 - Painfully Vivid Dreamer

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Sasuke groaned as he tried to get out of bed. He was not looking forward to classes this morning. His body was exhausted, and his muscles ached. It was all thanks to Naruto. If the little shit hadn't gotten him aroused last night, then maybe, just maybe he would've gotten more sleep.

Never mind the fact that Naruto was now onto him and his secret.

Glancing over to the clock by his bed, Sasuke let out another groan when he saw the time. It was way past the time he normally would be up and getting ready. Sucking in air through his teeth as he lifted himself off the bed, Sasuke got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower, not once noticing the blonde who was watching TV on his side of the room.

The warm water relieved some tension from his muscles but not enough to improve his mood. Once he was finished showering and putting his clothes on, he headed over to Naruto's side.

"G'morin'," Sasuke slurred, still half asleep after having such a terrible day. Naruto sat on the couch on his side of his room, slurping on his cup of ramen. His eyes brighten up at the sound of Sasuke's voice.

"Sasuke!" Naruto smiled. "Come here," he yelled.

Sasuke gave him a tired look. "Why are you yelling so early in the morning? And I'm not coming over there," he said. "I just came to see if you were awake; we still have school."

Naruto pouted. "Have you already forgotten? Tsunade said that you and I could have a day off. Since...all that stuff that went on yesterday..." he said.

Sasuke made a face of realization. "Ohh," he hummed. "That's nice. I'm going back to bed."

"Wait what?! You don't wanna talk a bit more?" Naruto reacted. Sasuke nodded and turned around, then started walking away. "No," he bluntly replied.

Naruto shrugged. "Fine, I'll just go get Sakura and Ino and Kiba and Suigetsu."

The ravenette stopped walking and peered over his shoulder, sending a glare Naruto's way. "If you do that, I won't talk to you ever again," he threatened. Naruto spat out his ramen and began coughing as Sasuke walked away.

"Y-you wouldn't do that right?" Naruto coughed.

"I would."

Naruto then put down his cup of ramen and smirked. "If you don't get your ass over here, I'll just come over there," he said.

Sasuke's eyes widened as he rushed back to his room. "Yea, like I said. I'm going back to sleep. Bye," he repeated, slamming his room door before Naruto could get to him. Naruto stood there and banged on Sasuke's door three times before twisting the knob.

It wasn't locked...I'll just play it off like it is, Naruto thought to himself.

"Little shit," he whispered, earning a scowl from Sasuke on the other side. He heard the sound of a bed creak, and assumed Sasuke and thrown himself back into bed. "Go back talk to your dear Sakura-chan. Go away! I'm tired!" Sasuke yelled, dragging his words due to fatigue.

Naruto then stood straight. "Yea, your right, I was gonna ask Sakura something yesterday, but I guess I forgot..."

The blonde sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I'll be back in a few!" he yelled, dashing to the front door closet and grabbing his jacket, and out the door.

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