13 - Shooting Star

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"Sasuke?" Naruto whispered, holding Sasuke's leaning body in his arms. "Sasuke, you alright?" He nudged the raven's back. "He...passed out..?" He coulda at least told me he had a tongue piercing...fuck,' Naruto thought after recalling the taste of metal in Sasuke's mouth.

"Naruto!" he heard someone yell in the distance. He gasped and turned his neck around, still holding Sasuke up in his arms. He turned back to Sasuke and crouched down, fixing his legs and then lifting him up, bridal style. "Naruto! What happened? Why'd you guys suddenly run off like that?" 

Sakura ran up to the blonde, then glanced at the unconscious boy in his arms. "He's...sleeping?" She whispered, poking his cheek. "Yeah- Uhm...I--when I ran after him I grabbed his arm and then he passed out..." Naruto lied. 

He knew for a fact that he wasn't going to tell Sakura, that he kissed Sasuke until he passed out. Naruto didn't know if he regretted doing it or not, because he was drunk as well as Sasuke. They would most likely forget everything the next morning.

Which remarkably saddened the blonde.

"That's weird. Maybe he had too much to drink? You saw how he was chugging those cans back there, right? And he's a pretty light drinker," she emphasized. Naruto nodded and glanced at Sasuke's sleeping face. "Yeah," he hummed, then began walking down the hall towards one of the bedrooms. Sakura followed after him.

"Oi, what are you gonna do with him?" She asked, walking with her hands behind her back while maintaining gaze with the carpet. Naruto didn't respond. For one, he knew that he had to get Sasuke far away from Sakura, especially since he was now unconscious. Asleep or awake--while drunk--, as much as Naruto trusted Sakura, he wouldn't let her or Ino around him. 

"Hmm," She stopped in her tracks with a gasp, as if suddenly realizing something, then gave a devious grin. "Oi Naruto! When you're done putting him to bed, meet me downstairs at the minibar. We need to talk, about Sasuke. Either that or we talk tomorrow, okay?" 

"I- Wait! Why-" Before Naruto was able to give a response, Sakura ran off, giggling. Naruto let out a gruff sigh, then turned forward and continued walking. Let's talk, she says. Talk about Sasuke, she says. To Naruto, Sasuke is almost all she ever talks about. Frankly, Naruto wished she could just shut up. What was honestly there to talk about; how hot he is? That's all she ever says. Why doesn't anyone ever talk about him, for a change?

If someone going to love someone, look deeper into them, at least. To Naruto, it was just like picking a book off of a shelf and wanting to buy it because the cover had a nice design. They place the book on their shelf that consists of many other pretty books; that they didn't even bother taking a look into. They didn't even bother reading the summary nor a single page; not even the title of the story. 

Naruto knew Sasuke needed someone who loved him through and through. Someone who could fill the everlasting cracks within his heart; someone to fill the draining love pouring slowly out of his soul. Naruto also knew that this someone couldn't be him. Not after all of the things he had done to Sasuke for years, now. Naruto was oblivious, but wasn't as dense enough to not understand that he was indeed catching feelings for the ravenette. 

Sasuke wasn't mine to be possessive of. Sasuke is somebody else's shiny pebble.'

Naruto placed his hand on the doorknob and slowly twisted open the door, careful not to drop Sasuke. He kicked the door open with his right foot and marched in, placing Sasuke on the king-sized mattress, then covered him with pastel green cotton bedsheets. 

After staring at him for a while, he leaned in and kissed the raven's forehead before getting up and walking over to the veranda. Sad blue eyes glanced back at Sasuke before the blonde turned forward and stepped outside into the cold.

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