15 - Stuck In The Closet Pt2

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"Sasuke! What the fuck are you doing!" Naruto growled, Sasuke's face contented and determined to anger him. He launched into the closet, face burning, grabbing hold of Sasuke and to the teen's shock, threw him against the wall, ignoring the crunch that was probably Sasuke's spine cracking.

The raven-haired boy sneered. He forgot Naruto used to take regular wrestling lessons. "SASUKE! Stop you teme! Get over yourself, you stupid vain little boy!"

Sasuke raised an eyebrow, then spoke, panting between his breaths, struggling against Naruto's hold, his body literally crushing him. "What's vain got to do with anything?! I'm not vain in any way. It's because you were being an ass hole. Always have been, always will be, I will never like you."

Naruto growled again, sweat now dripping from his forehead. "Oh, great, the feelings mutual.-Sasuke! Please! Stop fucking me off!"

"I'll stop fucking you off if you stop pissing me off, now-" With a horrendous push from Sasuke, Naruto lost balance and fell back against the shelf, now howling in pain.

Walking down the corridor, though oblivious to Sasuke and Naruto, was a girl from their class who'd just gotten out of detention late. She saw Naruto and Sasuke mingling in the cupboard and the key in the door. It was just too hard to resist.

Sasuke stood up frantically and was about to leave, only to have the door slammed in his face, a sneery chuckle echoing from behind and the lock of the door clicked. Everything pitched into blackness.

"What the- HEY! Who's there! Come back!" Sasuke cried, desperately playing at the door handle as footsteps slowly disappeared around the corner up the hall. "HEY!"

He felt Naruto spring forward and take over the door handle. "What the hell! The little shit has locked us in! Oh fuck!"

"Talk about stating the obvious!" Sasuke cried, slight panic in his voice. "This is just great- there'll be no one left in the school to open it. And another thing, I don't know who I'm angry at anymore. The fact that I'm here with you, or the stupid kid for locking me in here with you. Ah, that answers my question.You."

Naruto rolled his eyes. "Sasuke, seriously, shut up. I don't like this any more than you do-" He proceeded to walk forward, only to walk into a wall. After all, being in a Janitor's closet, it wasn't the largest of places and was crammed pack with stuff that belonged to the Janitor. "Ow. But we need to think. Think. What would Kakashi-sensei do?" He pondered.

"What the fuck! Why Kakashi?! He's dumb. And teaches sexual education. Real help, dobe," The black-haired teen spat. 

"Yes, but Kakashi-sensei also happens to be a pretty situated person. I think he'd ram the door down..."

"The door is steel, remember? Some sort of metal, anyway," Sasuke tapped the door to prove his point and it let out a twang.

"Great," Naruto sighed, slumping himself against the wall, the blackness beginning to irritate him already. "Find the light."

Sasuke didn't say anything for a second. "Don't tell me what to do. You find the light."

"Argh, Sasuke! It's just a light! Oh for fuck's sa-" He hit his forehead. "Fine, I'll find it, awkward-" Naruto hit around randomly, feeling the wall. Finally he found something, but when we pressed the switch, nothing happened. 
"Great. It doesn't work."

He felt Sasuke nudge him purposely hard. "Oh, how absolutely fantastic that is. And I'm not being sarcastic. At least I don't have to look at your face."

Naruto coughed, feeling his temper rising. He never wanted to fight with him, but he really was asking for it. He pushed Sasuke gently on the shoulder, his face close to the other in an attempt to intimidate. Sasuke blushed and backed away an inch. 

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