17 - Who Is That Man?

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December 2nd, Monday | 12:30 AM | Lunch Break

"Three weeks plus a voucher?"

Naruto recalled her words ever so vividly. He sat at his table group, cheek on his palm, drooling over devouring and savouring the exquisite taste of ten freshly cooked Ichiraku ramen bowls. All was going well until he felt a slap on his head. 

"Ow! What the hell was that for?!" the blonde glared, Shikamaru looked back. "Dumbass, you're drooling all over the table," he expressed with boredom while taking a bite out of his lunch. Naruto gasped and sat up, blearily glancing at the mess. Naruto simply shrugged. "Who cares?"

Kiba sighed. "Y'know, if you're that hungry just go get something at the vending machines if the food here is too much." Naruto glanced at the brunette with an unreadable expression. "The food here tastes like shit, I'll pass." 

"Well alright, suit yourself foxy," Kiba shrugged. Naruto gaped at him incredulously. "Wha-what did you just call me? Just now--what was that?" he queried, glaring at Kiba with wide eyes. Kiba also glared back with confusion. "Dude are you high? I just called you foxy. You know? 'Cuz of the scars on your face?"

Shikamaru groaned and facepalmed. "Kiba. You, my friend.. are a dumbass." 

"Hah?! What the hell?! You too Shikamaru?!" Kiba yelled. 

Naruto raised an eyebrow at Shikamaru before realizing what he meant. He then turned back to Kiba whose collar he was gripping, and then let him go. "Foxy is literally a word used to describe something sexually appealing."

Kiba's jaw dropped. "I- Well how the hell was I supposed to know that?!" 

Naruto scratched the back of his head and whistled, caulking both his feet onto the table. "And here I thought I was dumb-"

"Oh shut up!"

Just then, a flash of raven black spikey hair had caught his eye at the lunchroom entrance. He immediately brought down his feet and sat up, now smiling at the sight of Sasuke. The blonde let out a happy chuckle before getting up out of his seat and running towards the ravenette, jumping over other people's lunch tables and bumping into a few students. He didn't care for Kiba's shrieks of concern or warning, he just kept going. Once he finally reached Sasuke, the blonde jumped right into his arms like a baby. (he totally just ditched Kiba and Shikamaru)

"Sasuke! Sasuke you actually came! Damn, I really thought that flu wasn't gonna go away and that you wouldn't come!" He exclaimed. Sasuke was, number one, extremely embarrassed at Naruto's sudden gesture because he hated public humiliation, and two, absolutely dumbfounded. 

"Ah- Get off of me you dead-last!" Sasuke bit Naruto's forearm causing him to recoil. "Ah- Hey don't be bitchty after I just took care of you're half-dead ass yesterday!" Sasuke's jaw dropped. He was completely red from embarrassment, and the people laughing in the background were no help. Naruto could sense Sasuke's discomfort and suddenly felt bad.

"Crap-- uh, sorry..? I dunno what got into me but I was having a bad day, and classes are really fucking boring when you're not here, so as soon as I saw you I just-- y'know?" the blonde tried to explain. Sasuke accepted his apology, but that still didn't stop his embarrassment enough to forgive Naruto. 

Sasuke's lips curled up into a smirk, "You just what?" he crossed his arms, one of them holding a bag. Naruto eyed the bag before raising an eyebrow. "I got happy, I guess?" 


"Come sit with me!" The blonde grabbed Sasuke's free hand before he got to process anything, dragging him towards the table near the center of the room. "N- Dobe! Let go of me before I amputate your fingers!" 

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