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Not a simple smile, not a bit of light in his deep eyes—not even the reflection of some thought that makes his world happy.
Sadness only resided in those dark eyes of his, reaching his drained soul.

He was stuck in the past, stuck with the image of the one he swore to forget—Jungkook.


Ebony— long-messy locks, trimmed sides shaping the man's face perfectly. Tantalising chiseled jaw complimented with a thickened veiny neck. The man's lips were full but not as much as his own. His body was nothing short of masculine; a happy trail peaking Jimin's interest.

He knew who the man was and in all honesty, he was amazed. He's seen a few dramas and his idol days were legendary....

It didn't matter. Jimin sighed, his throat felt so dry. What could a hook up possibly do than to just remind him of Jungkook?

Twice. The pair had sex two times...it was only for fun so why is he hurting? Was his cock that good?

Why does his heart feel as if it's been torn to pieces? For fucks sake, Jimin knew Jungkook wasn't serious. He knew a thin layer of lust laid over his eyes, blinding every glint of what seemed to be love. He knew Jungkook didn't care about him....he never cared.

"Baby. Lover. Mine—all mine"

Illusions. Those words were just illusions used against Jimin's simple heart. A venomous apple disguised in the most appetizing pair of honey lips, Jimin unfortunately took a bite of. He felt special, he felt loved—wanted. Those endearing nicknames given to him were all lies.


Jimin hates lies. He loaths lairs so why the hell can't he fucking hate Jungkook?!? Why did he feel so empty? The answer is simple really; Jimin was wrapped around the man's finger—an inability to move on from Jungkook.

It's been four days. Four days since Jimin was humiliated in front of his bandmates. He often wonders to himself if Jungkook was being serious but the flashbacks spoke for themselves. There was no fault in his reaction. His reaction was the truth. In that moment, everything Jungkook attempted to conceal came forth. There was no denying it. Jimin was certain the maknae hated him—

But each time he glanced in the mirror, he caught
a glimpse of faith. There, faintly embedded in his neck, laid the prettiest shade of crimson rose—a shy scarlet dusted by a pair of lovely lips. He knew it was wrong to believe in such fantasies yet it made his heart burst with sparks of excitement. The love bite was the last evident piece of Jungkook's attachment to him. They were marked admist a time of collision between desire and adoration; lust and love—gentle suckles against his tender, radiating flesh during sex. Caring words following after;

"You're doing so good baby."

"You're delicious"

"You're perfect."

"You're mine-"

"-Only mine"

Only his... I never should have given in.

With a slight scoff Jimin turned his phone off, snuggling into his cold comforter. The only thing he could do to keep his mind off of the younger was to escape reality...to be unconscious. Sleep was the only way his heart stopped hurting.

Screw you Jeon Jungkook ....


It was only a joke.

He didn't mean to say those words.... They were a way to protect them both. He never meant to hurt Jimin. He was afraid...unable to own up to his actions. Afraid of what the others would have thought about them. He didn't mean to say it...he swore he didn't. It was his tendency to act on impulse...it was all just an act...





The two remained speechless, unable to utter a response as to why they were violating personal space. Jimin did not dare to look up, feeling his heartbeat accelerate--sweet skin curling deliciously against Jungkook's chest. His muscles tensed.

It was a shocking sight to see. All members surrounding the couple were dazed in astonishment. The two who could not bear the slightest glance or breath near their presence were currently cuddling. Body on top of body. Head against chest--arms securely wrapped around each other; heat colliding. The elders were unaware that this mere embrace was once a hidden tease.

Taehyung gawked his widened eyes towards Yoongi. He didn't know whether to intervene or let the two resolve the situation but from the looks of it, they were two stones. Honestly, seeing Jungkook look so small, caved in by all the member's stunned eyes--being eaten away, satisfied a dark part of him. The younger had been acting as if he were superior, a dictating every inch of his best friend and it made his blood boil.

Yoongi shrugged his shoulders at the younger's frightened gaze. He knew he told Taehyung the dangers of the rest knowing but in reality, he had nothing to fear. At most, the only person he was alarmed by was Taehyung himself. He knew the rest would be supportive over Jungkook and Jimin; well, at least he hoped so.

"What happened to you two hating each other? You guys look like a couple! Hurry hyung take a pic!" Namjoon broke the awkward silence, big smile plastered on his face.


Those playful words brought life back into jungkook's eyes.


One could argue it was the heat of the moment that Jungkook reacted so carelessly while the other could say Jungkook drifted from his ill-need of affection. Realization.

Yet the unarguable cause were his actions. It was as if Namjoon's meaningless words sparked a beast inside the younger. The same beast Jimin sought to forget.

"What the fuck?!" Jungkook abruptly pushed Jimin off of him, causing the elder to wince from the sudden force. Jungkook pushed him so hard in fact that he did not fall back onto the seat, no—Jimin landed on top of Hoseok. Pained expression riding his features.

Jungkook spared no glance at his bewildered hyung. He could talk, gaze transforming into a manic glare.
There was no explanation to his actions. Not a single excuse that could justify a the few words he spoke afterwards.

"We are not a fucking couple! Can't you see I hate everything about him!?!-"

He glanced down at Jimin. His head was lowered. The more Jungkook spoke, the more his heart throbbed and shattered. Not an ounce of adrenaline coursed through him—only the agonizing pain of his lower back. It was as if those words resurfaced all the hurt concealed by love; the physical and the inner.

"Don't ever get fucking near me!"

Jimin-ah Im sorry...

To Be Continued

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2021 ⏰

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