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a term Taehyung often found himself cringing over, each time it was mentioned.

It wasn't like he had a problem with it, he just wasn't very comfortable with the whole conception of it, Y'know...being in an intimate relationship with the same gender...

That is why he reacted in such a blunt manner when his best friend came out. He let his emotions run wild, nearly destroying the close friendship he had with Jimin. He pushed the smaller away, ignored him in every way possible, and even—regretfully so, called the man slurs. Offensive slurs.

As time passed by and BTS grew globally—meeting people of all sorts of backgrounds, religious practices, sexualities, skin tones, culture, etc.— Taehyung loosened up on the idea of differences.
He began to grow as an individual, leaving his conservative ideologues in the past. Well most. Progressively, he had built back the friendship he had selfishly thrown away—with caution.

He managed to confront Jimin with his concerns about Homosexuality and asked the elder to not make it noticeable when around him—to which Jimin sadly agreed to, afraid of losing his friend once again. Everything was going well, decent.

That was until now; his breaking point.

- 1 hour ago -

"Ugh Taehyung, dude...are you okay?"

No. Im Not okay. I just heard Jimin give Jungkook a fucking blow job in a public bathroom. How can I be okay?!?


- 5 minutes ago -

"Fuck your cock just stabbed me right in the eye!"

"Well unlike yours, my dick is longer than two inches what did ya expect dumbass."

Jimin could have sworn his eyes rolled all the way back inside his socket to Jungkook's tasteless comment. His hand moved on its own, keen of what he was about to do.

He formed an "ok" sign with his fingers before letting out all the strength he had with one, loud


right onto Jungkook's balls.

The younger nearly folded at the agonizing sensation, clutching his balls in his fist. No words could form, only managing to let out a high-pitched gasp—staring down at the hyung, flabbergasted.

"Not at you trying to talk about my dick when you're here, flat as this fucking wall. Your shit isn't even a pancake, bitch its a fucking crepe—walking around with a literal ultra thin flat screen tv as an ass. Pff trynna talk about my dick when yours can't even last 2 minutes. Ooh Jungkook you got the wrong one honey. Y'know what, try me. I want you to try me. I'll be here all day and night roasting your non-existent ass."

He stopped to take a breather, continuing once again .

"Talk about my precious dick like that again and you'll be the one taking it up the ass, you got that?"

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